Naro Chödrug Subtle Body
According to the famous Six Yogas of Naropa or Naro Chödrug (nA ra chos drug) the practitioner, male and female, visualizes himself as Vajrayogini (rd rje 'phag mo). Thus male and female transform into a female manfestations and the channels (rtsa/nadi) appaer in this way.
There are either 4 or 6 wheels ('khor lo/cakra). The right and left channel coil around the central channel at each wheel once and at the heart wheel 3 times.
It is a pitty that the resolution is weak and we cannot clearly see the detail in the upper right corner showing the channels connected to the nostrils.
According to the famous Six Yogas of Naropa or Naro Chödrug (nA ra chos drug) the practitioner, male and female, visualizes himself as Vajrayogini (rd rje 'phag mo). Thus male and female transform into a female manfestations and the channels (rtsa/nadi) appaer in this way.
There are either 4 or 6 wheels ('khor lo/cakra). The right and left channel coil around the central channel at each wheel once and at the heart wheel 3 times.
It is a pitty that the resolution is weak and we cannot clearly see the detail in the upper right corner showing the channels connected to the nostrils.
According to most tantric instructions the left and the right channel run not parallel to the central channel but coil around it at each chakra from below the navel to the nostrils and to the opening at the crown of the head.
Here it says the four chakras and three channels according to the Six Yogas of Naropa (na ro chos drug) but most of the time the lateral channels are coiling around the central channel.
Here it says the four chakras and three channels according to the Six Yogas of Naropa (na ro chos drug) but most of the time the lateral channels are coiling around the central channel.

Naro Chödrug Subtle Body
According to the famous Six Yogas of Naropa or Naro Chödrug (nA ra chos drug) the practitioner, male and female, visualizes himself as Vajrayogini (rd rje 'phag mo). Thus male and female transform into a female manfestations and the channels (rtsa/nadi) appaer in this way.
There are either 4 or 6 wheels ('khor lo/cakra). The right and left channel coil around the central channel at each wheel once and at the heart wheel 3 times.
The detail in the upper part shows that the lateral channels are connected to the nostrils while the central channel goes to the point between the eyebrows is influenced by the Kalacakra system.
According to the famous Six Yogas of Naropa or Naro Chödrug (nA ra chos drug) the practitioner, male and female, visualizes himself as Vajrayogini (rd rje 'phag mo). Thus male and female transform into a female manfestations and the channels (rtsa/nadi) appaer in this way.
There are either 4 or 6 wheels ('khor lo/cakra). The right and left channel coil around the central channel at each wheel once and at the heart wheel 3 times.
The detail in the upper part shows that the lateral channels are connected to the nostrils while the central channel goes to the point between the eyebrows is influenced by the Kalacakra system.

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