Arik Rinpoche of Tromgé
(khrom dge a rig rin po che)
Arik Rinpoche of Tromgé
(khrom dge a rig rin po che)
Arik Rinpoche aka Drubchne Rigdzin Wangshu (grub chen rig 'dzin dbang phyug,1908-1988) was a disciple of Khenpo Ngawang Palzang and one of Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche's Masters. He was also the root guru of Akhyuk Rinpoche. He belonged to the monastery of Tromge in Derge Thromthar (sde dge khrom thar ngar 'gyur rnying ma khrom dge dgon pa) where he was recognized as an incarnation of a previous Master. When Arik Rinpoche passed away rainbows manifested and five-coloured relics appeared among his physical remains.

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