"I, Jigdrel, Yeshe Dorje, aged 34 came to Tiger's Nest to conduct Phurpai Drubchen. One early morning in a dream, I had a vision of a beautiful woman adroned with many beautiful silk cloths and necklaces who claimed to be Khandro Yeshe Tshogyal. She held a fine ritual dagger in her hand as she explained, 'this very powerful dagger was one used to subjugate negative forces in this very place by Guru Padmasambhava and later, when he was about to take flight from the Gungthangla Pass, in Tibet, Guru gave me this magic dagger which I now pass along to you. Keep it with you as a heart jewel.'
"Since I was very excited and overjoyed to receive such a powerful object, I took it from her hand and thought that I would receive its blessings. I immediately used it to touch my forehead and throat. When I touched my heart with it, my whole body transformed into the magic dagger and I recited the sacred spells and charms of the Vajrakila deity. At the time, I felt the whole earth shaking from the blessings of this magic dagger."
"Yeshe Tshogyal again said, 'Yes, you blessed son, this is a true blessing and you should not take it for granted, it will greatly benefit you. Do you remember? During Guru Rinpoche's time, we received the complete empowerment, quintessential, and pith instruction of the Vajrakila deity?' She the pulled me away grasping my hands, and then I woke from my sleep. At that moment I was suddenly able to recollect my previous life and I especially remembered the teaching of Vajrakila very clearly."
These are the details of the previous and present spiritual treasures of Vajrakila of both Dudjom Rinpoches from the sphere of innate wisdom. Here in this spiritual treasures teaching which had never been discovered before, revealed that various activities of Vajrakila deity.

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