Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Special Request from Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche: October 25th, 2015 Be very mindful next ten days.

Special Request from Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche:
Everyone Please Be Careful and
Recite Mantra Continuously
October 25th, 2015
"Please, everyone, be particularly mindful for the next ten days. Recite mantra as much as you can, whatever you are doing. You can recite Guru Rinpoche's mantra - OM AH HUNG BENZAR GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG. Or if you practice Vajrakilaya, you can recite the Kilaya mantra - OM BENZAR KILI KILAYA SARWA BIGHNEN BAM HUNG PHET. Either way, the mantra will help protect you, both by making you more mindful and by the protective blessing of the deity. I feel this time right now is a little bit delicate and we need to be careful not to create obstacles.
Particularly you who are working - doing projects, building things, you carpenters and workers - be very careful with your tools and mindful with all your actions so that you don't harm yourself in an accident.
But not only the workers! No matter what you are doing, everyone should be a little extra careful during this time, men and women, young and old, whether you are driving or sitting or anything.
Actually, if you are driving, be particularly careful. Everyone drive very mindfully. People are crazy in their cars, not paying attention. Everybody focus on the road and be conscious, and say mantra as much as you can.
If you are cooking, do your cutting and cooking consciously. If you are walking, be aware. Whatever you do, do it very safely. If you are hunting, be careful - what are you going to hunt, anyway? You are just hunting yourself.
Say mantras continuously, as much as you can, whatever you are doing, more than your usual blah, blah, blah. In fact, except when your mouth is busy eating, it should be saying mantra during this time. When you are engaged in activities, you don't need to particularly focus on the mantra, but continue to say it. Then whenever you can focus for a minute, pay attention to the syllables you are saying and remember the deity. That will help protect you.
Anyway, maybe everyone thinks I am crazy and making some big deal. Maybe I've gone too far. Maybe you think I'm exaggerating. That's okay - I am crazy. My job is just the announcement. If you are going to practice or not, that is up to you. If you believe me or trust me, be careful. If you don't trust me, you don't have to follow what I say. If you don't buy it, that's not my problem. I'm not going to follow each person around saying, "Hey! Practice!" It's up to you.
Hopefully we won't make obstacles and screw ourselves up. So everybody try, okay?"
Tashi delek!
-Gyatrul Rinpoche

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