Monday, December 25, 2017

Practicing the Teachings without Sectarian Bias

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Practicing the Teachings without Sectarian Bias, A Discourse on the Importance of Practicing with Trust and Devotion the Teachings to which One Feels Drawn (part 4)

Guru Rinpoche prophesied the calamity that has be-fallen Tibet, and he also spoke of ways it could have been avoided. From the time of the fifth to the thirteenth Dalai Lamas, all the ceremonies needed to avert the disaster were performed properly. But when the thirteenth Dalai Lama passed away, the prophecies were put aside and neglected, and the ceremonies and rituals were not performed as they should have been. Because of this, the prediction was fulfilled, “Evil doctrines will spread, evil forces will arise within and the people’s minds will be possessed by demons.” If Guru Rinpoche had been able to perform the exorcism three times when he was in Tibet, binding the evil forces under oath, Buddhadharma would have remained for a very long time.

But he was hindered by wicked ministers and could only perform the exorcism twice. This is why our country has sunk into the catastrophe that you know only too well. And yet, in the midst of this terrible situation, there is at least one good thing: His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Outwardly, he is like an iron fence and inwardly like a precious treasure. He is our refuge in this and future lives, the guide of gods and men. He has been able to come and settle, without any danger to his life, in India, the noble land. To the eye of an impartial observer, it is thanks to this that an amazing development has taken place, both for the Dharma and in the political situation of us Tibetans. You all know this — you don’t need me to tell you. It has all happened thanks to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and to him alone. We should be endlessly grateful to him and pray for his long life. This is vital.

But what does this imply? There is not one person among us who has not received teachings and empowerments from His Holiness. Since we are now linked with him in the Dharma, we must observe the samaya. If we go around devotedly saying, “Oh, Gyalwa Rinpoche, Gyalwa Rinpoche!” but behave in a way that contradicts this devotion, our conduct is absolutely wrong. We must act according to His Holiness’s wishes. Condensing our samayas into a single point, we must understand that we are all the disciples of the Buddha and all followers of the one teaching that is his. 

On this basis we should practice the tradition to which we are drawn. We must refrain from criticizing other traditions and schools, and stop entertaining wrong notions about them. We are in a foreign country; we should not make an exhibition of our bad behavior! Even if we are unable to have pure vision regarding each other, we should at the very least aim and aspire not to criticize and have wrong views about each other. 

Sometimes it appears we are completely at logger-heads! As soon as one problem is solved, another one arises. It’s quite uncanny! So do your best to avoid such things. Older people should advise the young, and we should all raise our spirits and aspirations. This is so important at the present time. And indeed, this is the best way to pray for the long life of His Holiness and perform a real service for the Dharma.

Whether we come from this region or from farther afield,we all want Tibet to be free. We are like people gasping with thirst. To that end, laity and religious must all be truly united. And this should not be mere lip service; we must really be united like water mixed with milk. 

If we succeed in this, I am convinced that thanks to bodhichitta, to the unflinching resolve of the teacher, the Three Jewels, and above all, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tibet will once again regain its freedom. But if we fight among ourselves and constantly create difficulties for each other, this is not only a disgrace but constitutes a real obstacle. So keep this in mind, all of you. I beg you to strive to make His Holiness’s wishes come true!

This is my advice to you, the advice of an old man. It is indeed my testament.

- Dudjom Rinpoche - Counsels From My Heart

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Flat Earth's Secret: The Imperishable Sacred Land - The Seven Races

I talk about what Helena Blavatsky's "The Secret Doctrine" says about the seven Root Races and Continents that have and will exist in this Great Cosmic Day and how it relates to the "Inner Earth" located at the North Pole, Native American legends of subterranean peoples, the Mandean Gnostic land of "Mshunia Kushta", Hyperborea, the Aurora Borealis, and more.

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Dudjom Rinpoche describes the breadth and scope of Padmasambhava’s enlightened actions:

Dudjom Rinpoche describes the breadth and scope of Padmasambhava’s enlightened actions:
“They cannot be neatly arranged or reconciled in the conventional perceptions of ordinary people with respect to time span and physical location. For these are the kind of deeds performed by a powerful master of miracles, who has free rein to manifest them in response to the devotion, mentality and attitudes of beings.”
The seventeenth century master Tsele Natsok Rangdrol adds: “We should understand that all Padmasambhava’s deeds and the examples in his life are a magical display, shown to tame people according to their particular inclinations.
By regarding him as a normal human being, we will fail to perceive even a fraction of his enlightened qualities... Any incongruities we may find in the life stories of enlightened beings come about only because they are perceived differently by the differing levels of people who are to be trained... The master Padmasambhava was a supreme nirmanakaya.
He appeared free from faults and fully endowed with all eminent qualities. He certainly does not remain within the reach of people’s solid fixation on a permanent reality, but appears according to the needs of disciples."'
Sogyal Rinpoche - Great Treasure of Blessings.

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The Greatest Secret // Episode 1: Shambhala