Monday, October 16, 2017


If we have playmind, we can see through meditation that all phenomena are like magic. Then, wherever we go, we are comfortable. If we come from a high standard class, we can do low standard work very easily without self-righteousness or discomfort. If we come from a low standard class, we can communicate easily with high standard people since our mind is vast and playful. Whatever class we come from, there is no contradiction between high and low standards because our mind is open and relaxed and we see all phenomena as the display of unobstructed Wisdom Mind.
When we practice, we need rested playmind. All spiritual qualities are invisible and substanceless and are inherent within all substance. If we are too serious, the aim of our meditation becomes more and more distant, because our mind is divided and obscured, but if we have playmind, our minds will always be clear, like the pond which becomes clear when left alone, free from disturbances.
- Magic Dance: The Display of the Self-Nature of the Five Wisdom Dakinis
by Thinley Norbu Rinpoche
pages 49–50

Sunday, October 15, 2017

At the end of the future age, there will be many perverted practitioners who will treat the Dharma as merchandise. At that time, all of you who obey my words, do not forsake the ten spiritual activities.

Although your realization is equal to that of the buddhas', make offerings to the Three Jewels. 

Although you have gained mastery over your mind, direct your innermost aims towards the Dharma. 

Although the nature of the Great Perfection is supreme, don't disparage other teachings.

Although you have realized that buddbas and sentient beings are equal, embrace all beings with compassion.

Although the paths and bhumis are beyond training and journeying, don't forsake purifying your obscurations through Dharma activities.

Although the accumulations are beyond gathering, don't sever the roots of conditioned virtue.

Although your mind lies beyond birth and death, this illusory body does die, so practice while remembering death.

Although you experience dharmata free from thought, maintain the attitude of bodhichitta.

Although you have attained the fruition of dharmakaya, keep company with your yidam deity.

Although dharmakaya is not some other place, seek the true meaning.

Although buddhahood is not anywhere else, dedicate any virtue you create towards unexcelled enlightenment.

Although everything experienced is original wakefulness, don't let your mind stray into samsara.

Although your mind essence is the awakened one, always worship the deity and your master.

Although you have realized the nature of the Great Perfection, don't abandon your yidam deity.

Those who, instead of doing this, speak foolishly with boastful words only damage the Three Jewels and will find not even an instant of happiness.

Padmasambhava - Advice From the Lotus Born. - Rangjung Yeshe Publications.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Journey to the Center of the Flat Earth | North Pole Hidden Land ▶️️

Many ancient cultures shared similar beliefs in a sacred place at the north pole, often described as a harmonious paradise. The Norse would call it Agartha. For Hindus it's referred to as Paradesha. The Greeks knew it as Hyperborea. The Celtics called it Avalon. Buddhists call it Shambhala and in the Bible, it's refered to as the Garden of Eden. That's just a few of the names. In fact, this place has been dubbed the land of a thousand names. At the center of this paradise is the axis mundi (also called the cosmic axis, world axis, world pillar, center of the world and world tree). This is said to be the connection between Heaven and Earth. In Norse mythology we have yggdrasil which is the tree of life. Known as Mount Meru in Buddhist, Jain and Hindu cosmology. It's a central world mountain that reaches high into the heavens and resting above it is the north star. Join me as we take a journey to the center of the earth. We will be going over ancient myths, if you want to call them that, and cosmologies, old maps including the Mercator map of the arctic that showed hidden land, and movies that depict worlds beyond the north pole, including the new Stephen King movie 'The Dark Tower', which depicts a dark tower at the center of the universe that is very similar to the north pole rupes nigra aka black rock.

Monday, October 9, 2017

The Greatest Secret // Episode 1: Shambhala

Shambhala is a land spoken of by the Tibetan Buddhists as the most sacred of all pursuits. In this episode, we explore the stories, descriptions, and prophecies of Shambhala as it relates to our present time.

In "The Greatest Secret" we explore various mythologies of ancient paradisal lands and connect them with the Gnosis of the turn of the ages: From the Dark Ages to the imminent Golden Age. From city to city we explore the relation between the myths, wisdom that is just being re-discovered, and the synchronistic allegories of the final chapters of the Kali Yuga.

This series is designed to instill the watcher with visual, audial, and spoken clues with feelings of is an interactive unraveling of exoteric and esoteric knowledge. Enjoy!