Noble Lady Tara Thronyer Chenma “ Frowning Lady” who bestows wealth and dispels poverty.
She is eleventh in the praise of 21 Taras, according to mind-treasure teaching of Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa, her body orange in colour. She summons the goddess of earth, the nagas, the gods of wealth, yakshas and other lords of ten directions and their retinues to serve her activities.
Her left hand is adorned with a blue lotus upon which sits a treasure vase. Majestic, with a scowling face and a furrowed brow, she dispels poverty and showers the poor and needy with wealth, satisfying all their needs and freeing them from sufferings. This is not only physical wealth but also gifts of joy, peace, love and compassion - the wealth of capabilities and understanding, which liberates beings from the poverty of ignorance.
The inner meaning is that by purifying the earth-like ignorance that supports the world, the primordially perfect great merit is revealed, clearing samsara and nirvana of all poverty.
Homage to you,
Who can summon hosts of the protectors of earth.
By your frowning movements and HŪṂ syllable,
You bring freedom from all poverties
She is eleventh in the praise of 21 Taras, according to mind-treasure teaching of Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa, her body orange in colour. She summons the goddess of earth, the nagas, the gods of wealth, yakshas and other lords of ten directions and their retinues to serve her activities.
Her left hand is adorned with a blue lotus upon which sits a treasure vase. Majestic, with a scowling face and a furrowed brow, she dispels poverty and showers the poor and needy with wealth, satisfying all their needs and freeing them from sufferings. This is not only physical wealth but also gifts of joy, peace, love and compassion - the wealth of capabilities and understanding, which liberates beings from the poverty of ignorance.
The inner meaning is that by purifying the earth-like ignorance that supports the world, the primordially perfect great merit is revealed, clearing samsara and nirvana of all poverty.
Homage to you,
Who can summon hosts of the protectors of earth.
By your frowning movements and HŪṂ syllable,
You bring freedom from all poverties¬if_t=notify_me_page¬if_id=1484498289227379

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