Scary prophesy for things to come by Buddha Shakyamuni
(...) A time when the ten unwholesome deeds will be practiced and practitioners of advanced spiritual techniques will recite only evil mantras, and the five poisons will overwhelm one's perceptions. It will be a time when body and speech acts will be perverted; teaching of spiritual values will deteriorate.
A time when feathers will grow on mountains (sic!), and a person will travel about in wooden and metal vehicles. All of one's actions will merely contribute to evil happenings, a time of fearfulness when evil will manifest most definitely.
A time when feathers will grow on mountains (sic!), and a person will travel about in wooden and metal vehicles. All of one's actions will merely contribute to evil happenings, a time of fearfulness when evil will manifest most definitely.
This text will reverse the contributory evil causes of this time. By so much as seeing it, writing of it, proclaiming it, there is no doubt that these evil times will end.
• Out of deep space, in the Fire-Male-Horse year (2026), a large meteor will strike down on the shores of a large body of water.
• All the harmful forces of this evil time will quickly gather in the cities. They will run and hide themselves so that humans will not be able to see where they are.
• (...) will experience a great earthquake in the year of the Fire-Horse (2026).
• Out of deep space, in the Fire-Male-Horse year (2026), a large meteor will strike down on the shores of a large body of water.
• All the harmful forces of this evil time will quickly gather in the cities. They will run and hide themselves so that humans will not be able to see where they are.
• (...) will experience a great earthquake in the year of the Fire-Horse (2026).
• When the evil times come in the Fire-Female-Sheep year (2027), there will be death due to overcrowding. Some will die on the road; some from heart (disease).
• When the evil times come in the Fire-Female-Sheep year (2027), there will be death due to overcrowding. Some will die on the road; some from heart (disease).
• In the Earth-Male-Monkey year (2028) an epidemic will occur and its impact will be very profound.
• In the year of the Earth-Male-Monkey (2028), there will be terrible floods. In the summer, death will come from famine-induced epidemics. At that time, demons will be all over the place. If one writes of and propagates this text, there will be no harm from obstructions or demons.
• In the Earth-Male-Monkey year (2028) an epidemic will occur and its impact will be very profound.
• In the year of the Earth-Male-Monkey (2028), there will be terrible floods. In the summer, death will come from famine-induced epidemics. At that time, demons will be all over the place. If one writes of and propagates this text, there will be no harm from obstructions or demons.
2027- 2028
• In the Fire-Female-Sheep year (2027), and in the Earth-Male-Monkey year (2028), the evil "five hundred time" will emerge. This disruption will come from every direction and the - eight subdivisions as well.
• People will be defiled by quarrels and restlessness
• In the Fire-Female-Sheep year (2027), and in the Earth-Male-Monkey year (2028), the evil "five hundred time" will emerge. This disruption will come from every direction and the - eight subdivisions as well.
• People will be defiled by quarrels and restlessness
• In the Earth-Female-Bird year (2029), there will be no harm. Nonetheless, it will be very important to guard one's discipline and not eat red meat.
• In the Earth-Female-Bird year (2029), there will be no harm. Nonetheless, it will be very important to guard one's discipline and not eat red meat.
• In the Iron-Male-Dog year (2030), all cities and surrounding areas will be filled with carnivorous animals such as tigers, bears, wild dogs, wolves, and the like.
• In the Iron-Male-Dog year (2030), all cities and surrounding areas will be filled with carnivorous animals such as tigers, bears, wild dogs, wolves, and the like.
• In the Iron-Female-Pig year (2031), all sentient beings will lose self- control, and will be like paper blown about in the wind, or as if carried off in a flood.
• In the Iron-Female-Pig year (2031), all sentient beings will lose self- control, and will be like paper blown about in the wind, or as if carried off in a flood.
• "During the year of the Mouse (2032-?), a sound with spiritual qualities will be heard coming out of the depths of space.
• "During the year of the Mouse (2032-?), a sound with spiritual qualities will be heard coming out of the depths of space.
(...) There is a remedy for these harms. When impermanence (begins to show its mark) in the body, if men and women tie this [mantra], which will protect them, to their bodies, this protecting mantra will free them from all plagues and the harms of demons, water spirits, and gods. [It is:]
E-ma-ho pen-no pen-no so-ha!
If one does this, one will be freed from these diseases and plagues, and will have a good life. If one writes about, propagates and is confident in it, there is no doubt that one will be liberated from the bloody ocean of life's miseries. Oh, pity for all humans, everywhere! May all torments that come with an untimely death be completely pacified. May there be good - times, as before! May one obtain limitless merit!
(...) soon as one hears this spiritual message and then writes it down and distributes it, these epidemics will be brought under control. All famine that might exist will be pacified and people will achieve a good existence.
(...) This spiritual text will liberate one from these omens of the evil time merely if one has confidence in it, sees, writes about it, propagates it. Agitation will thereby be pacified. If one does this, limitless good will come about. May beings be free of all terror and fear! This spiritual work which has one, no secondary meaning, has been composed for the benefit of all sentient beings.
(...)If people come to write of and propagate this, they will come to possess a long life, free of illness, and will find happiness and well- being. Even if they write of one part of this, all noxious influences of the evil age will be pacified in their own time. What has occurred before will increase once again in the year of the Dragon. It will show itself, but will be unable to expand out into the realms of the world because of the evil time's arising. After that, in the Fire-Male Horse year (2026), this text will increase.
(...) This text will reverse the contributory evil causes of this time. By so much as seeing it, writing of it, proclaiming it, there is no doubt that these evil times will end.
(...) And, like the light of the sun and moon, because of the strength in the sustaining power of the Spiritually Awakened One, if one writes of and propagates this text which illuminates all of the four directions and eight points in between, then it will be of benefit until Maitreya comes. If one writes of and propagates this, one will obtain merit like a mountain (in size).
(....) This work is a technique for diverting the evil time
Extracted from the Sutra: "The Lamp That Makes Things Clear, the Prophecy of Things to Come", discovered by Jamyang Kyhentse Chöky Lodrö.

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