Relics of Drubthob Yeshi Phuntsho, Bhutan.
After entering in the nirvana, Rinpoche holly body remained in complete lotus posture Thukdma, without any treatment of salt or medicine for more than a year. Coinciding with Buddha Amitabha Day(15th day of 12th lunar month).... On Friday, 10th of the February, 2017 Rinpoche's funeral was taking place at DRUBTHOB's Namdrol Choling Gompa, Patala, Drujegang, Bhutan. (The Gompa was named same to Drubtho's Root Teachers Gompa in Tibet. After the funeral, there was lots of relics appeared from the ashe. That shows the final attainment of nirvana.
Following brief biography of Drubthob was heard from Drubthob himself, his disciples and devotees. It was shared to my Facebook page in January 2016, couple of weeks ago before Rinpoche entered into complete Thukdam Parinirvana in January 2016 corresponding to auspicious 10th Day of 12th Bhutanese Month.
H.E. Yogi Yeshi Phuntsho, popularly known as Drujegang Drubthob/Yogi Tsampa Drubpa to his Root Master, Tibetans, his Chedros, H.H. present JeKhenpo, five Lopons, villagers and others.
Drubthob- was born to Yum-mother Nagchungmo and Yab-Father Jurmey Tshewang. Drubthob was known by many to his powerful sacrifice of life to monkhood at the age, as early as 9 years old in Thimphu-Punakha Dratshang (summer and winter monastery). He was known for his sacred meditation and practices. Born in around 1916, he was exactly 100 years old just on the day of his Parinirvana, same age to famous Tshangka Rinpoche and 10 years older than 69th Je Gendun Rinchen of Bhutan. Today, all his Chedros and sibling passed away. Rinpoche resided at Drujegang with his nephew and niece.
After the Monastic Education, Drubthob entered his first 3 years retreat at the age of 23 at Talo, PangKarpo, where today, the place is held by Lopon/Drubthob Karma Jurmi as retreat Centre for many practitioners. Dubthob Duba, always aspired to visit Tibet then. After his 3 years retreat, at around 26 he decided to go for pilgrimage to Tsarey RangKhor (The Ney discovered by Choeje Tsangpa Jarey) in Tibet. He travelled via Mela Kharchung (today referred to as Lho Drowa Lung) through Phari-Paro to Boe Lhasa. Carrying 30 kilos of his food with his blankets, he narrates that he is able to reach Lhasa from Phari in 11 days. This same route by his friends and traders takes 15 or more days. Drubthob clearly remembers the journey and with slang, pride and joke he speak ‘J-Dha-I was that kind of Man, so better don’t gag with me’. Using slang at various conversations is one of his styles of chatting or communicating with his disciple. Such style did not bothered to any kind of visitors be it trulku, highly learned or a layperson.
It was at Tsarey Rangkhor, Tibet where Dubthob felt the immense blessing and fortune of his deep passion to dedicate and focus on Dharma and meditation. That was his final promise and deep prayers made to dedicate and commit his entire life to perfect meditation and practices. Drubthob recollected the time when Tibet was not yet invaded.
Then at Tsang Kharang (Kharag Gomchung), in Tsang Tibet, Drubthob met lifelong Root Teacher H.H. Yonzin Ngagi Wangmo- Direct disciple to H.H. Tokdhen Shacha Shari and a Teacher to 5th Gyalwang Dalia Lama. Drukpa Yonzin Ngagi Wangmo, welcomed Rinpoche and saw him to be much dedicated and devoted to Dharma and treated with an extraordinary care and lessons. There were disciples from Ladhak, Tibet and one disciple from Bhutan (Drubthob do not remember him clearly).
Drubthob also refer to late Je Gedun, who later followed to learn scholarly Buddhism around Tibet- added Drubthob. Yongzin Rinpoche, His teacher admired Drubthob for taking his hardship to reach Tsang. He was offered basic shelter, food and special teaching session. Unlike other disciples, Drubthob has to undergo two extra sessions- one in the group and other at his teachers room at 7pm after the groups’ session.
Drubthob took a strict meditation for 7 years under Yonzin Rinpoche at KharakGomchung. It was narrated that Drubthob was showcasing fast miraculous achievements which was even recognized by government of Tibet and fetched him a horse and 5 nos of ‘da-yang’ coins- a currency in Tibet offered as award for extraordinary practitioners in Tibet during those days.
Drubthob took a strict meditation for 7 years under Yonzin Rinpoche at KharakGomchung. It was narrated that Drubthob was showcasing fast miraculous achievements which was even recognized by government of Tibet and fetched him a horse and 5 nos of ‘da-yang’ coins- a currency in Tibet offered as award for extraordinary practitioners in Tibet during those days.
One of the frequent achievement of Drubthob was in practice of ‘Raybey’- Drubpa where a blanket piece of wet cloth is covered to naked body to be dried from evaporation through tsalung and tumo meditation. This is practiced as critical reflection of meditation and done during auspicious 12th Month of cold winter on every 15th Day, usually at the concluding months of the retreat. Drubthob narrated that he could not make this in his first attempt in first two year but was successful in consecutive following five years where he fetched 5 nos of da-yang coins and a horse. That was the time where he was admired by his Teacher and Chedros and named as ‘Tsampa Drubpa!’ Those days, I heard Drubthob Rinpoche, do not entertain his disciples to be termed as Gomchen or Tsampa by anyone. For Drubthob these terms are referred to the ones who actually mastered the meditation practices. He shouts with slang at anyone who dare call his disciples as Tsampa or Gomchen for just completing their 3-6 years of retreat.
During his time in Tsang Kharang, Drubthob was also very found with Bhutanese trader from Gaselo (Rinpoche do not remember his name), who use to visit Tibet in every 5-7 months for trading. The Trader was fond to Drubthob and support with food and shelter during practices. It was this trader, who advised safety of Drubthob and escorted to Bhutan in fear of beginning war and invasion at Tibet, then after 7 years. Drubthob, was then brought through cold and terrifying winter of Phari.
Drubthob recollected those journey was his difficult time returning to Bhutan. He suffered from severe cold weather and even fainted and has to rely on Tibetan warm buttered ara/alcohol offered by trader’s friend. Drubthob also recollects that was the time when the wireless device/radio has announced the mid-night exile run-away of present Dalia Lama.
Reaching Bhutan, Drubthob just had his passion to continue. He could not stay idle but to further underwent 5 years of retreat at Kuenga Choling (below current TshangChoekhor Monastry), Paro. Drubthob then recollects that the Late Je Gedun Rinchen also came to seek a place for retreat at the same place. They were then Chedro practicing and meditating opposite to each other.
After 5 years retreat at Kuengacholing, Drubthob could not resist to fall on daily samsara activities. Instead of getting back to the village and town, Drubthob opted to continue his retreat for 16 years at Do-Choetoen at Paro. The then, Drubthob was 40 years or so beginning to retreat there. It was narrated that Drubthob used to be in lotus posture without a sleep in his practice which was later advised by old Tibetan practitioner, near by to relax himself from such strict practices. The Tibetan practitioner also took the same place for retreat at Do-Choetoen. Drubthob found the advise reasonable, nevertheless, he practiced his 24 hours meditation just sitting on marked cabin cushion unlike our ordinarily sleep with mattress and blanket.
Drubthob was also requested by many Great Masters like current Cheri Je, Thrizur and Nyezir for instruction on Naro Chedrug/Yabka-Yumka Wang where He instructed them to first receive the Wang from Lama Tenzin Jamtsho. Although Drubthob received all those Wang from His Root Master, he was requested by Je Chari, NyeZir and Others to accompany him to Lama Jamtsho where they ended up as Vajra chedros under Lama Tenzin Jamtsho upon receiving Wang. The then, Lama Tenzin Jamtsho resides at Sha-Dechecholing Gompa, at Wangdi, added Drubthob.
There are also many stories known and narrated by locals and his disciple’s that Drubthob Rinpoche was known for performing miraculous ‘Phowa’-Transmigration of one’s consciousness to liberation in Durjegang. At many of such incidence, Drubthob’s transmigration/powa ritual, mesmerized and shocked people when the death body shakes, jumps and stands to transmigrate. One such incidence was narrated about one of the former late Dasho Dzongda, whom upon instruction of present Jekhenpo was asked to request Drubthob to perfom Phowa for one of the demise. Dasho who literally did not have faith to such a ‘Gomchen’-as Dasho thought had to request for Phowo as advised by Je. It was narrated that Dasho and others were asked to keep away from looking at the performance however, Dasho made a peep to see how it was done. Dasho was then shocked to see a miraculous performance of Drubthob, when the death body actually stood inform of Drubthob in uttering of ‘Phat’!. Dasho transformed himself to greatest devotion to Drubthob and service throughout his life then. Such incidences are regarded as mastering of meditation and practice.
There are also many stories known and narrated by locals and his disciple’s that Drubthob Rinpoche was known for performing miraculous ‘Phowa’-Transmigration of one’s consciousness to liberation in Durjegang. At many of such incidence, Drubthob’s transmigration/powa ritual, mesmerized and shocked people when the death body shakes, jumps and stands to transmigrate. One such incidence was narrated about one of the former late Dasho Dzongda, whom upon instruction of present Jekhenpo was asked to request Drubthob to perfom Phowa for one of the demise. Dasho who literally did not have faith to such a ‘Gomchen’-as Dasho thought had to request for Phowo as advised by Je. It was narrated that Dasho and others were asked to keep away from looking at the performance however, Dasho made a peep to see how it was done. Dasho was then shocked to see a miraculous performance of Drubthob, when the death body actually stood inform of Drubthob in uttering of ‘Phat’!. Dasho transformed himself to greatest devotion to Drubthob and service throughout his life then. Such incidences are regarded as mastering of meditation and practice.
Of another incidence, his disciples narrate that while Lamas, Rinpoches and people requested for his Thukmein and prayers, he bluntly with fun and slang, replies that my 'Thukmien' cannot benefit you, Thukmein must begin from yourself. During a visit, if anyone asks for a pith instruction he would dare us by telling that we are living and creating fun with Dharma. He scolds us that we will never practice Dharma. For me, he provided a choice to make to confirm my dedication to Dharma, He asked ‘what would you opt ‘to kill yourself OR kill an animal’ for the sake of or making point to practice Dharma. If ever you opt for saving animal against your life, he would accept assure and node that we are genuine and serious to practice Dharma under him yet with a condition of another 3-6 months of probation test. He assured about the practice and teaching, if I dare to leave the job and visit him naked without possessing anything. On other hand, Drubthob also instructs people to maintain perfect mindfulness-the very perfection of nature of mind. While Drubthob cannot give us larger instruction, he understand us well and consent to at least, give Bazaguru Transmission. He would have profound and unique style of transmitting it. You would feel the transmission getting to your nerves.
For over many years and today, there are many Trulku, old and young doing retreats under Drubthob at Drujegang. One of his young disciple, Tsampa Penjor, who completed his 3 years retreat way back in 2013 – always admired Drubthob’s simple, down to earth, poor man’s life style with relaxed and confident heart. Tsampa was always advised by Drubthob that, this life is so precious that you must cast away this worldly cyclic life, and walk towards or nearby, rivers, forest, caves and hermit, if not to temple and gompa to seek the true Dharma. While such exemplary inspiration led him to pursue retreat, Tsampa Penjo always aspires and seek follow the footstep of Drubthob- to concur yourself and begin the true living. Drubthob has unique protection cord and blessing to be made to any one visiting him. For any children nearby, he just put his fingers in his money bag and gift anything or whatever amount comes to his palm…There many such stories one can learn from Drubthob….
Around in 2013-14, Drubthob in his Lotus posture decided to leave to Parinirvana but upon fervent visit and request by present Jekhenpo and Four Lopons of Zhung Dratshang to live at least for 100 years. Je Khenpo also instantly wrote and composed four lines of long life prayer (in picture) to Drubthob and was presented together with Zhung Lopons and Lam Netens of the Bhutan for his long life and benefit to all mother sentient beings. Dubthob then decided that he can live up to 100 years. On Janurary 2016, Drubthob was exactly exactly 100 years old decided to enter PariNirvana. Since then Drubthob is extraordinarily in Thukdam Lotus Posture without any treatment, not even pursa, salt.
As of today, Rinpoche retreat centre at Drujegang has retreat houses ranging from ordinary huts, to shabby house to caves in forest. Rinpoche believed strongly in producing genuine gomchens (yogis) than Gesheys (buddhist scholar/expert)... Today are more than 30 gomchens, yab Tenpai Nima and other monks of Zhungdratsang as rinpoches disciples. It disciples range from 29-88 years old with 3 to 30 years of retreat experiences.
Today, Rinpoches’ true disciples made their commitments to continue the practice and retreat at Drujegang Namdrol Choling Gompa, indifferent to Drubthob’s presence!
May your yangsi be born soon for the benefits of all beings.
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