Fairy Medicine Magic...
H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche stated that "Although all the Buddhas have the same nature, each has a particular power. When we recite the [Medicine Buddha] mantra, rays of light emanate from the heart of the Buddha, like a hundred rising suns, curing all the diseases and obscurations of the beings and even their causes." Tantra offers us every possibility of healing through emptiness and clarity beyond our imagination. The Buddha indicated that everything we need to heal is within us and in nature...
Today, it seems appropriate to recognize a celtic goddess of healing, specifically herbal healing. She is the daughter of Dian Cecht and sister of Miach, both well known healers of the Tuatha De Danaan, the most ancient race of deities in Ireland.
During a battle, King Nuada had lost his arm and asked Dian Cecht to fix it as he was the most known physician. He fashioned the King a silver arm. Miach knew that with his and Airmid’s abilities he could restore the kings actual arm. So together, in three days and nights they did just that. Their father Dian felt as though he’d been outdone by his son and became extremely jealous. In a fit of rage he slashed his son Miach, but Miach would just heal himself instantly. Finally, after many attempts, Dian Cecht gave him a blow to the head that killed him. Airmid buried her brother with much sorrow and came back to visit him daily.
After one year, she found 365 healing herbs growing from his grave, each representing a cure for every part of the body. Airmid gathered the herbs systematically in her cloak and began healing those who needed help. Her father still hated Miach and overturned her cloak forever losing Miach’s gift to humanity. However, Airmid still remembered all of the medicinal properties of each herb. It is believed she moved far away from her father and spent her life healing the wounded.
OM namo bhagawate Bhaishjaya guru
vaidurya prabha rajaya tathagataya
arhate samyaksam buddhaya teyatha
om bekhajye bekhajye maha bekhajye
bekhajye rajaya samudgate
vaidurya prabha rajaya tathagataya
arhate samyaksam buddhaya teyatha
om bekhajye bekhajye maha bekhajye
bekhajye rajaya samudgate
Amrita hridaya angha ashta guhya upadesha tantra nama. Amrita hridaya means: "the essence of immortality".

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