During this degenerate age via Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche
this degenerate age in the outer world, there are many natural
disasters due to the upsetting of the four elements. Also, demonic
forces come with their many weapons to incite the fighting of wars. All
of those forces have caused the world to come to ruin and led all to
tremble - so terrified that their hair stands up on end. Still, the
demonic forces find it necessary to come up with new types
of weapons. If we were called on to confront them, there is no way we
Dharma practitioners could defeat them. That is why we make supplication
prayers to the three jewels, do the aspiration prayers, the offering
prayers and the prayers of invocation. We are responsible for those
activities. This is what I urge you to do.
Chatral Rinpoche
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