Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Mahasiddha Udhilipa the flying yogi
The Mahasiddha Udhilipa :
Udhilipa, the 'flying siddha', was a wealthy Indian who one day gazed out of his window and saw strangely coloured cloud formations that were assuming the forms of animals. Mesmerized by this illusory display he developed a desire to fly like a cloud across the sky. Then one day the Mahasiddha Karnaripa came begging at his door, and from this great master he learned of a practice that could enable him to fly. This involved him travelling to the twenty-four sacred sites of ancient India, and from each of these sites he collected the twenty-four elixirs of the great female dakinis who dwelled at these places. He was then instructed to alchemically synthesize these elixirs in vessels of copper, silver and gold. After twelve years he succeeded in distilling the elixir of flight, and having simultaneously attained the realization of Mahamudra he ascended bodily into the dakini's paradise realm of light. Udhilipa is depicted here seated in meditation posture upon a triangular rock formation, and wearing a garment of leaves.
© text by Robert Beer
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Friday, December 21, 2018
Guru Padmasambhava
Lex Hixon: In the case of a figure like Guru Padmasambhava, is that just a projection of one’s mind in meditation, or is he a real living figure that exists as much as we do?
Dudjom Rinpoche: Guru Padmasambhava is one with the Dharmakaya or the primordial Buddha in essence. Therefore, he is the essence of all Buddhas, but he manifested in this world of ours out of compassion in order to help sentient beings. He is, in essence, Buddha Amitaba, who manifested out of a lotus in Danakosha Lake. He is known as the Lotus-Born Guru.
It would be difficult for us human beings to appreciate Guru Padmasambhava if he does not manifest in this human form. But the essence of Guru Padmasambhava is without any limit of lives or spheres or time. So he came in physical form, yet his wisdom form is everywhere, and for all time. Historically speaking, he went away from us. But wisdom-wise, or intrinsically speaking, he is everywhere that there is devotion. If we truly realize that all this is but a mere manifestation of the intrinsic mind, then Guru Padmasambhava becomes one with our mind when this nature is truly realized

Saturday, December 15, 2018
Dudjom Lingpa ,Statue of DL blessed by himself and the Historical Sword of DL.
Dudjom Lingpa ,
Photo of ~ Statue of DL blessed by himself and the Historical Sword of DL.
~You are the very essence of the unfailing Three Jewels,
The supreme embodiment of infinite three-kāya buddhas,
Dharma-king of the three realms and master of the Great Perfection—
Dudjom Lingpa, at your feet I pray!~
The supreme embodiment of infinite three-kāya buddhas,
Dharma-king of the three realms and master of the Great Perfection—
Dudjom Lingpa, at your feet I pray!~
Short Life-Story of Dudjom Lingpa
(the fourteenth in the line of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche’s incarnations) was enjoying the feast of Dharma prosperity at Guru Rinpoche’s Palace of the Light of Lotus, Guru Rinpoche asked Dudul Dorje to go to Eastern Tibet in order to serve the faithful beings there, at the request of his spiritual consort Yeshe Tsogyal, by saying, ” Among your disciples, there will come three thousand people endowed with fortunate karmic connections with you. Over five hundred excellent people will attain enlightenment in their very lifetimes. The twenty-five King and Subjects will come to assist you. Ten tertons will appear with you as well, and seven esoteric masters will be born as your children and grandchildren.”
The Great Terton Dudjom Lingpa, also known as Garwang Dudjom Pawo, was thus born in 1835 at the Lower Ser Valley of Eastern Tibet, in the midst of rays of rainbows. His father was Aten of the Nub Clan from the Ah chak Dru lineage, while his mother was Po-dzog from the Mutsha-ga lineage. In the secret meaning, his body was the manifestation of Drokben Khyechung Lotsawa (one of the original 25 disciples of Guru Rinpoche), his speech was the manifestation of Yeshe Tsogyal, and his mind was the manifestation of Guru Rinpoche.
Dudjom Lingpa was born with the gift of great wisdom and spiritual powers. From early childhood onwards, he was already displaying his true natural powers that only a very few rare Great Masters could demonstrate.
Though he lived among ordinary people most of the time, Dudjom Lingpa had hardly been separated from the Buddha Fields. He received only limited teachings and transmissions from human teachers, including Lama Jigme, Lama Jamyang, Kathok Chak-tsa Tulku and Patrul Rinpoche. Yet he had received unceasing teachings from the various Buddhas and enlightened beings in his constant pure visions. Indeed, hosts of Buddhas, enlightened beings, Dakas and Dakinis were constantly protecting, cherishing and nourishing him spiritually, as well as physically.
Dudjom Lingpa was endowed with a strongly built body, with a dark-reddish brown complexion, a semi-wrathful face, together with wide and powerful eyes. He dressed in white tantric robes with ornaments and earrings. He had half of his long hair tied up into a topknot, while letting the remaining hair hang loosely.
During his life, Dudjom Lingpa faced many obscurations from various negative forces, but he was able to turn them all into supports for the spreading of the Holy Dharma. He himself was not in good health at the later years of his life, but he was able to heal many sick people through his spiritual power, sometimes even with a single gesture.
While he was looking straight ahead, even the closest disciples of Dudjom Lingpa did not dare to walk in front of him, just because of the great power and might of his staring eyes. It was said that the lay people in Golok prayed with the words, “Oh! The body of Dudjom,” instead of the saying the usual prayers to the body, speech and mind of the Lama, signifying the great charismatic presence of his body as something very extraordinary to the people.
At the age of 25, from among the rocks of Ba-ter of the Mar Valley, Dudjom Lingpa revealed the prophetic guide (kha byang) which had all the instructions of how he should discover and reveal his own Treasures (Ters).
In the same year, with the guidance from the prophetic guide Dudjom Lingpa started to discover and reveal his own major Earth Treasures from Ngala Tak-tse of the Ser Valley.
After this, Dudjom Lingpa discovered altogether twenty volumes of these concealed teachings, hidden in the ninth century by Guru Rinpoche himself, as well as many sacred objects as both Mind Treasures (Gong Ters) and Earth Treasures (Sa- Ters). These came to be known as The New Treasures of Dudjom (Dudjom Tersar).
It was reported that Dudjom Lingpa was invited by his two famous contemporaries Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Jamgon Kongtrul the Great to include his New Treasures (Tersar) into their collection of the Precious Treasury of Terma (Rinchen Terdzo), but he politely declined their kind offer by saying that, “wherever the Rinchen Terdzo will be spread, it will be the same with my Tersar.”
Except for two brief visits to the Dza-chukha Valley, Dudjom Lingpa spent his life wholly in three main places, namely, the Ser Valley, the Do Valley and the Mar Valley in Eastern Tibet.
At the age of 46, Dudjom Lingpa again migrated to Lama-rong and other places in the Upper Ser Valley. Then, finally at the age of 54, he moved to the Li Gorge in the Upper Do Valley, where he built the Dartsang Kalzang Gon Hermitage, which was to become his residence for the rest of his life.
Towards the end of his life, it was Dudjom Lingpa’s intention to reveal and visit the sacred land of Pemakod in Kongpo Valley in Central Tibet, which is one of the four major Hidden Lands blessed by Guru Rinpoche as hiding places for the faithful Dharma practitioners in the Dark Ages. However, being unable to do so Dudjom Lingpa prophesized that his successor would be born there and reveal it himself.
Furthermore, it was also prophesized on his successor by Dudjom Lingpa that the billions of beings who come into contact with him will be liberated just by the sight, the recognition, the touch, and the experience, and they will be reborn in the Kingdom of Shambhala. With this, Dudjom Lingpa passed away in 1904, and took rebirth as Kyabje Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje (1904-1987), Dudjom Rinpoche the Second, in Pemakod.
Dudjom Lingpa had eight sons:
1. Tersay Drimed Ozer (1881-1924), a great scholar and Terton whose consort was the famous wisdom dakini Sera Khandro Dewai Dorje (1899 1952);
2. Jigme Tenpe Nyima (1865-1926), the third Dodrupchen Rinpoche;
3. Khyentul Dzamling Wangyal (1868-1907), a Tulku of Do Khyentse (1800-1866);
4. Tulku of Cheyo Rigdzin Chenmo, who passed away in early childhood;
5. Tulku Lhachen Topgyal ( or simply as Tulku Lhatop);
6. Tulku Pema Dorje (who had lived at Dodrupchen Monastery);
7. Patrul Namkhai Jigme, the Tulku of Patrul Rinpoche; and
8. Tersay Dorje Dradul (1891-1959), who became the successor of Dudjom Lingpa at the Dartsang Kalzang Gon Hermitage.
Besides this, there were thirteen disciples of the Great Terton Dudjom Lingpa who had attained the rainbow body; and that there were others of his lineage who had the same attainments, as was recorded by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche.
(the fourteenth in the line of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche’s incarnations) was enjoying the feast of Dharma prosperity at Guru Rinpoche’s Palace of the Light of Lotus, Guru Rinpoche asked Dudul Dorje to go to Eastern Tibet in order to serve the faithful beings there, at the request of his spiritual consort Yeshe Tsogyal, by saying, ” Among your disciples, there will come three thousand people endowed with fortunate karmic connections with you. Over five hundred excellent people will attain enlightenment in their very lifetimes. The twenty-five King and Subjects will come to assist you. Ten tertons will appear with you as well, and seven esoteric masters will be born as your children and grandchildren.”
The Great Terton Dudjom Lingpa, also known as Garwang Dudjom Pawo, was thus born in 1835 at the Lower Ser Valley of Eastern Tibet, in the midst of rays of rainbows. His father was Aten of the Nub Clan from the Ah chak Dru lineage, while his mother was Po-dzog from the Mutsha-ga lineage. In the secret meaning, his body was the manifestation of Drokben Khyechung Lotsawa (one of the original 25 disciples of Guru Rinpoche), his speech was the manifestation of Yeshe Tsogyal, and his mind was the manifestation of Guru Rinpoche.
Dudjom Lingpa was born with the gift of great wisdom and spiritual powers. From early childhood onwards, he was already displaying his true natural powers that only a very few rare Great Masters could demonstrate.
Though he lived among ordinary people most of the time, Dudjom Lingpa had hardly been separated from the Buddha Fields. He received only limited teachings and transmissions from human teachers, including Lama Jigme, Lama Jamyang, Kathok Chak-tsa Tulku and Patrul Rinpoche. Yet he had received unceasing teachings from the various Buddhas and enlightened beings in his constant pure visions. Indeed, hosts of Buddhas, enlightened beings, Dakas and Dakinis were constantly protecting, cherishing and nourishing him spiritually, as well as physically.
Dudjom Lingpa was endowed with a strongly built body, with a dark-reddish brown complexion, a semi-wrathful face, together with wide and powerful eyes. He dressed in white tantric robes with ornaments and earrings. He had half of his long hair tied up into a topknot, while letting the remaining hair hang loosely.
During his life, Dudjom Lingpa faced many obscurations from various negative forces, but he was able to turn them all into supports for the spreading of the Holy Dharma. He himself was not in good health at the later years of his life, but he was able to heal many sick people through his spiritual power, sometimes even with a single gesture.
While he was looking straight ahead, even the closest disciples of Dudjom Lingpa did not dare to walk in front of him, just because of the great power and might of his staring eyes. It was said that the lay people in Golok prayed with the words, “Oh! The body of Dudjom,” instead of the saying the usual prayers to the body, speech and mind of the Lama, signifying the great charismatic presence of his body as something very extraordinary to the people.
At the age of 25, from among the rocks of Ba-ter of the Mar Valley, Dudjom Lingpa revealed the prophetic guide (kha byang) which had all the instructions of how he should discover and reveal his own Treasures (Ters).
In the same year, with the guidance from the prophetic guide Dudjom Lingpa started to discover and reveal his own major Earth Treasures from Ngala Tak-tse of the Ser Valley.
After this, Dudjom Lingpa discovered altogether twenty volumes of these concealed teachings, hidden in the ninth century by Guru Rinpoche himself, as well as many sacred objects as both Mind Treasures (Gong Ters) and Earth Treasures (Sa- Ters). These came to be known as The New Treasures of Dudjom (Dudjom Tersar).
It was reported that Dudjom Lingpa was invited by his two famous contemporaries Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Jamgon Kongtrul the Great to include his New Treasures (Tersar) into their collection of the Precious Treasury of Terma (Rinchen Terdzo), but he politely declined their kind offer by saying that, “wherever the Rinchen Terdzo will be spread, it will be the same with my Tersar.”
Except for two brief visits to the Dza-chukha Valley, Dudjom Lingpa spent his life wholly in three main places, namely, the Ser Valley, the Do Valley and the Mar Valley in Eastern Tibet.
At the age of 46, Dudjom Lingpa again migrated to Lama-rong and other places in the Upper Ser Valley. Then, finally at the age of 54, he moved to the Li Gorge in the Upper Do Valley, where he built the Dartsang Kalzang Gon Hermitage, which was to become his residence for the rest of his life.
Towards the end of his life, it was Dudjom Lingpa’s intention to reveal and visit the sacred land of Pemakod in Kongpo Valley in Central Tibet, which is one of the four major Hidden Lands blessed by Guru Rinpoche as hiding places for the faithful Dharma practitioners in the Dark Ages. However, being unable to do so Dudjom Lingpa prophesized that his successor would be born there and reveal it himself.
Furthermore, it was also prophesized on his successor by Dudjom Lingpa that the billions of beings who come into contact with him will be liberated just by the sight, the recognition, the touch, and the experience, and they will be reborn in the Kingdom of Shambhala. With this, Dudjom Lingpa passed away in 1904, and took rebirth as Kyabje Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje (1904-1987), Dudjom Rinpoche the Second, in Pemakod.
Dudjom Lingpa had eight sons:
1. Tersay Drimed Ozer (1881-1924), a great scholar and Terton whose consort was the famous wisdom dakini Sera Khandro Dewai Dorje (1899 1952);
2. Jigme Tenpe Nyima (1865-1926), the third Dodrupchen Rinpoche;
3. Khyentul Dzamling Wangyal (1868-1907), a Tulku of Do Khyentse (1800-1866);
4. Tulku of Cheyo Rigdzin Chenmo, who passed away in early childhood;
5. Tulku Lhachen Topgyal ( or simply as Tulku Lhatop);
6. Tulku Pema Dorje (who had lived at Dodrupchen Monastery);
7. Patrul Namkhai Jigme, the Tulku of Patrul Rinpoche; and
8. Tersay Dorje Dradul (1891-1959), who became the successor of Dudjom Lingpa at the Dartsang Kalzang Gon Hermitage.
Besides this, there were thirteen disciples of the Great Terton Dudjom Lingpa who had attained the rainbow body; and that there were others of his lineage who had the same attainments, as was recorded by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018
#Yangti teaching by the #GyalwangDrukpa
#Yangti teaching by the #GyalwangDrukpa
Drukpa Hong Kong
Drukpa Hong Kong
Monday, December 10, 2018
GURU RINPOCHE, THE LOTUS BORN - Eight Kinds of Silence in Dharma Practice

Eight Kinds of Silence in Dharma Practice -
1.With silence of the body, without fanatical fixation, you will avoid the allurement of violation.
2. With silence of the speech, you will keep your practice free from mindless rhetorical diversion.
3. With silence of the mind, you will not be affected by mindless deliberation. Thus, enabling you to reside in the pure consciousness of dharmakaya (the non-dualistic primordial mind), without the hindrance of ordinary cognisance.
4. With silence of sense-gratification, you will set yourself free from the conceptual fixation of pure and impure experiences. Thus, enabling you to be blessed with an existence devoid of conflict, and bring about the protective influences of the Tantric Assembly.
5. With silence of transmission, do not offer instruction to people who are unsuited for such teaching. Thus, enabling you to receive the blessing of the lineage.
6. With silence of behaviour, act unpretentiously and without deceit. Thus, enabling you to make advancement and protect the mind from afflictive influences.
7. With silence of experience, do not form attachment with your experience, and do not elaborate your encounter to others. Thus, enabling you to attain full enlightenment in this lifetime.
8.With silence of realisation, do not cling to mundane longing and reside in the calm abiding of non-duality. Thus, enabling you to be free from the bondage of samsara in the moment of realisation.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
911 explosives lawyers petition for truth
Monday, December 3, 2018
The Eight Great Bodhisattvas
The Eight Great Bodhisattvas are as follows:
1) Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Deep Wisdom of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva, our wisdom, intelligence and insight increases; and our ignorance and confusion diminishes.
2) Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Compassion of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, our compassion, loving-kindness and kindness increases; and our hatred and aversion dissipates.
3) Vajrapāṇi Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Power (or Ability) of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Vajrapāṇi Bodhisattva, our power, strength and ability increases; and our self-confidence and courage is fortified.
4) Maitreya Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Awakened Activity (or Enlightened Activity) of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Maitreya Bodhisattva, our own activities and endeavors of enlightenment are cultivated and accomplished; through the inspiration of altruism and loving-kindness.
5) Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Merit (or Good Karmic Potential) of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, our merit and positive karmic potential increases; creating a firm foundation of being deeply grounded in conducive karmic conditions.
6) Sarvanīvaraṇaviṣkambhīn Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Awakened Qualities (or Enlightened Qualities) of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Sarvanīvaraṇaviṣkambhīn Bodhisattva, our own qualities of enlightenment are made manifest; through the purification of karmic obscurations.
7) Ākāśagarbha Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Blessings of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Ākāśagarbha Bodhisattva, we receive the transcendental and mystic blessings of all Buddhas; throughout the ten directions of space.
8) Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Aspirations (or Vows) of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, our aspirations and vows become vast, unlimited and powerful; and their far-ranging achievement becomes unhindered
2) Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Compassion of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, our compassion, loving-kindness and kindness increases; and our hatred and aversion dissipates.
3) Vajrapāṇi Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Power (or Ability) of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Vajrapāṇi Bodhisattva, our power, strength and ability increases; and our self-confidence and courage is fortified.
4) Maitreya Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Awakened Activity (or Enlightened Activity) of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Maitreya Bodhisattva, our own activities and endeavors of enlightenment are cultivated and accomplished; through the inspiration of altruism and loving-kindness.
5) Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Merit (or Good Karmic Potential) of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, our merit and positive karmic potential increases; creating a firm foundation of being deeply grounded in conducive karmic conditions.
6) Sarvanīvaraṇaviṣkambhīn Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Awakened Qualities (or Enlightened Qualities) of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Sarvanīvaraṇaviṣkambhīn Bodhisattva, our own qualities of enlightenment are made manifest; through the purification of karmic obscurations.
7) Ākāśagarbha Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Blessings of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Ākāśagarbha Bodhisattva, we receive the transcendental and mystic blessings of all Buddhas; throughout the ten directions of space.
8) Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, the embodiment of the Aspirations (or Vows) of all Buddhas. When we recite the Holy Name of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, our aspirations and vows become vast, unlimited and powerful; and their far-ranging achievement becomes unhindered
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Letter to Aung San Su Ki by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche
Paul Norden Thank you. ‘In the Absence of the Sacred’, by Jerry Mander is the key influence that helped me realize and see the truth of what we are doing to the world and it’s people in the name of mere labels, where ‘democracy’ has become synonymous with right an…See More
Happy Mammal But all alternatives to democracy are worse. Samsara lacks perfection
Paul Norden who said anything about getting rid of democracy?
Samita Sukhasiddhi Bodhimitra ཕྲག་དོག་གི་རྩ་བ་ཆགས་ཞེན་དང་ཡིད་འཕྲོག་པའི་ནང་དུ་ཚུགས་ཡོད།
ཕྲག་དོག་ནི་གང་ལ་གང་འཚམ་རྙོག་འཛིངས་ཆེ་བའི་ཉོན་མོངས་ཀྱི་སྡེ་ཚན་ཞིག་ཡིན། གང་ཡིན་ཞེ་ན། དེའི་རྩ་བ་ཆགས་ཞེན་དང་ཡིད་འཕྲོག་པའི་ནང་དུ་ཚུགས་ཤིང་། དེ་ལ་ད་དུང་ཁོང་ཁྲོ་དང་། སྡང་འཛིན། མི་དགའ་བའི་སེམས་བཅས་ཀྱི་ཤ…See More
ཕྲག་དོག་ནི་གང་ལ་གང་འཚམ་རྙོག་འཛིངས་ཆེ་བའི་ཉོན་མོངས་ཀྱི་སྡེ་ཚན་ཞིག་ཡིན། གང་ཡིན་ཞེ་ན། དེའི་རྩ་བ་ཆགས་ཞེན་དང་ཡིད་འཕྲོག་པའི་ནང་དུ་ཚུགས་ཤིང་། དེ་ལ་ད་དུང་ཁོང་ཁྲོ་དང་། སྡང་འཛིན། མི་དགའ་བའི་སེམས་བཅས་ཀྱི་ཤ…See More
Tashi Delek བླ་མ་མཁྱེན་ནོ།
Lobsang Wondak Chhoyang So well said Rinpoche, dont mince words and bend mind to please all the creepy (spooky) self rghteous Dharma snowflakes that infect sangha and would try to correct your line of thinking to be in accord with mainstream media. How laughable is that?! Like thought police they pounce. Obamas drone bombs have kllled many untold souls in the mideast and so has our wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria , Yemen, Afghanistan killled millions in the last decade alone. Kiki soso Lha Gyalo! #GreatAwakening #FutureprovesPast
Joanne Clark Is this a hate-filled diatribe? It sounds like one. I think it is best to not label atrocities as "East" or "West" or we run into big problems as history will tell us. I think Lord Buddha described afflictions best, I don't remember him labelling anything in terms of geography or culture.
Nieky Crins But why adopt "western" culture in the first place? Was the "east" a helpless victim of the "west" ..and where exactly does "eastern" stop and "western" begin? Are there categories of qualities and criteria?
Hypocrisy, pride, corruption, violence...aren't those human traits, and isn't everyone capable of them, given certain circumstances. Just as goodwill and compassion
Hypocrisy, pride, corruption, violence...aren't those human traits, and isn't everyone capable of them, given certain circumstances. Just as goodwill and compassion
Robert Badia I think his position is just the rising of hatred and nationalism that we can see around the world.
Robert Badia Pema C Wangdi Hitler, a Westerner that opened the eyes of lots of Europeans, killed millions of (European) people... Be careful who does open your eyes ! Supremacism, nationalism, islamophobia are poisons for humanity and they should especially be so for Buddhists.
Marina Gasser This document/ letter it's the best lesson of human's history that should be introduce and read in all levels of schoolings, from primary to Academic, politics and management, for the next generation to know and, from now onwards, to do everything poss…See More
Marina Gasser Adele Zangmo , all the points JDKR is mentioning, ARE objective facts!!!! In what kind of world are you live in???? Or maybe you are right, all these are just facts.... About the objectivity of this topic, I have to say, that this stays with your own appreciation! Im not the the one who can talk about it, it's up to you!!!!! Cheers 🙏🏼
Tsultrim Zangmo Objective facts can be sourced.
Most Relevant is selected, so some replies may have been filtered out.
Robert Badia Shaolin Fs You learn hatred and exclusion. That’s why it’s important to carefully choose one’s guru !
Sherab Tenzin Robert Badia who hates who?
Belle Sanjiti Heywood PS. I actually thought Rinpoche's suggestion about who should take responsibility for helping the Rohingya was utterly brilliant. I didn't have the knowledge or brilliance to ever have had such an idea come into my own head before now reading this as written by Rinpoche. In fact, I found most of this letter extremely helpful and illuminating and I say this as someone born in Australia.
Arianne Carter Oh Rinpoche, is that your attempt at a love letter for Aung San Suu Kyi, like a knight in shining armour to her rescue against the big bad west. East / West is certainly not so black and white, She wouldn't be who she is without 'western' education. I didn't know a buddhist teacher would be so passionate about and espouse such a dualistic viewpoint.
Tsultrim Zangmo On and on about colonialism while your own country cast out an entire ethnic group who are STILL rotting in refugee camps/or were forced to resettle. I have met a number of them in USA. No one has made you "feel guilty about the [H]olocaust" besides yo…See More
Connie Moffit Dear Rinpoche, This may be the first time in our long association that a message from you has made me deeply uncomfortable. I do not understand the "skillful means" of this letter at all. As your student, I hesitate to debate, but I can only imagine yo…See More
Connie Moffit My brain is still chewing on this. In terms of inscrutable skillful means of the Guru, another speculation has occurred to my struggling mind, beyond any of the concepts in Rinpoche's letter. Perhaps ASSK will feel comforted by the message and it wil…See More
Tsűndrū Yangzom With deep respect for Rinpoche and his Lineage, some of the language interpreted from my limited knowledge contained the Praise and Blame element. What is true perception? So many events behind the scenes now surfacing. My view is embracing our journey as human family toward the Oneness of All. Om Shanti💜
Hozaifa AboulFotouh This is actually disappointing Rinpoche 😒. We don't have to stand with her to stand against western double standards, and we don't need to ignore the atrocities committed to defend and treasure our own culture and traditions. She must be held accountable instead of being a mirror image Rinpoche.
Stephanie Wimmer-Davison East v West = Part truth, part sweeping statement. Part incisive, part divisive. And part missing the point.
Today it is no longer purely a question of East v West. It is rather neoliberal values v a missing narrative.
Neoliberalism began in America but is as deeply a part of asian culture these days.
Today it is no longer purely a question of East v West. It is rather neoliberal values v a missing narrative.
Neoliberalism began in America but is as deeply a part of asian culture these days.
宗薩蔣揚欽哲粉絲 DzongsarJamyangKhyentseFanClubThank you Rinpoche for sharing your insight and foresight on Western Colonialism in its subtle and blatant form trying to masquerade as a helper of Asian nations, when in fact it has been victimizing and belittling them for not conforming to their unfair structure. Double standard appearing as a gold standard.
Michaela Trnka Oh well, Rinpoche - this case is not so straightforward and you cannot defend Aung San Suu Kyi, even though your points are valid, without taking into consideration her position as head of state, and her responsibility for the safety of her people, no …See More
Mudra Chorésophe Michaela Trnka come
on ! we know this Lady deserves trust and we do NOT know what makes her not do what people from far expect her to do .. I agree fully with Rinpoche , it is very arrogant to give a reward and take it back specially in this case after all the challenges she has been though and her family . Nobody can juge her specially ignoring what is going on really there ..
on ! we know this Lady deserves trust and we do NOT know what makes her not do what people from far expect her to do .. I agree fully with Rinpoche , it is very arrogant to give a reward and take it back specially in this case after all the challenges she has been though and her family . Nobody can juge her specially ignoring what is going on really there ..
Michaela Trnka Mudra Chorésophe what I am saying is you cannot separate one from the other. She is head of state and despite her heroic attitude over her life, as head of state she is also responsible for the Rohynga persecution. I have not been in favor of taking away her prize etc, but I am also not in favor of lightly doing away with her responsibility for 100,000 people persecuted on the Burmese territory either.
Mudra Chorésophe Michaela Trnka I am
aware that personally I have not the real
informations about her situation. And I agree with Rinpoche’s brave statement as a whole .. Thank you for addressing me , all
the best .
aware that personally I have not the real
informations about her situation. And I agree with Rinpoche’s brave statement as a whole .. Thank you for addressing me , all
the best .
Brigitte Schmidt As a German and prototype for the Western guilt after WW2 I was thinking now very deeply about this evil West vs innocent East topic. And I say no. It's true, that the Germans had the weapons. But the occult rituals came from Tibetans and Mongolians. I thought myself a long time this would be just conspiracy theories until my parents bought an old house on Bavarian country side with a lot of Nazi books still inside, inclusive some of the Thule society. It is not conspiracy at all.
There are also still today some occult orders who know very well about what had happened in Germany in the 20s and keep it as a secret. The group of Mongolian Lamas who came to Germany and hang around in some of these orders and showed them their rituals. I found also books from the German excursions to Tibet during the Nazi times. Even in youtube you can find historical film material about these excursions. The Nazi Germans behaved rude in Tibet but found masters corrupt enough to give them some practice. Some of the old occult orders like Fraternitas Saturni and OTO in Germany still keep some knowledge what had happened during this time.
I agree with many of your arguments but for me this view is a bit too easy.
It is from both side that master and disciple need to fit together. When a corrupt master and an insane disciple come together, it might end up in a worldwar. To complain then about East and West doesn't work for me.
There are also still today some occult orders who know very well about what had happened in Germany in the 20s and keep it as a secret. The group of Mongolian Lamas who came to Germany and hang around in some of these orders and showed them their rituals. I found also books from the German excursions to Tibet during the Nazi times. Even in youtube you can find historical film material about these excursions. The Nazi Germans behaved rude in Tibet but found masters corrupt enough to give them some practice. Some of the old occult orders like Fraternitas Saturni and OTO in Germany still keep some knowledge what had happened during this time.
I agree with many of your arguments but for me this view is a bit too easy.
It is from both side that master and disciple need to fit together. When a corrupt master and an insane disciple come together, it might end up in a worldwar. To complain then about East and West doesn't work for me.
Belle Sanjiti Heywood Dear Rinpoche,
I join in with and resound with what Shaolin Fs wrote. 🙏…See More
I join in with and resound with what Shaolin Fs wrote. 🙏…See More
Zrinka Jancic I really do hope this letter will somehow benefit all beings. However, it sounds like you are using this woman to express your views, and dragging her into this. Now she will be forced to make a statement about this. Also there is an unfortunate lack of attitude of equanimity and compassion for both "east and west" side, which should have also been expressed from a dharma practitioner's point of view.
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Belle Sanjiti Heywood Adele, it's just a fact. Receiving a letter doesn't force the recipient to respond or make a statement. I did find it funny. Adele, not everyone has to agree with you.
I do find this letter extremely confronting and illuminating. That is my experience. If I didn't I wouldn't say anything. It is your assumption that it is some kind of guru-pandering praise, of which Rinpoche needs none.
I do find this letter extremely confronting and illuminating. That is my experience. If I didn't I wouldn't say anything. It is your assumption that it is some kind of guru-pandering praise, of which Rinpoche needs none.
Phunso Ten Adele, I understand your position and this letter might not be meant for you and alike who do not exhibit such western hypocrisy. But the fact remains what Khyentse Rinpoche has mentioned in his letter. Words like ‘eastern, western, developed, undeveloped, first world country, third world country, etc’ are all coined and mostly used, spread and propagated by western academics and institutions. So, if you are saying that the use of such are flawed and faulty, then you better blame the one who created it in the first place. And I also read that you admire Khyentse Rinpoche and his activities but it seems that the moment Rinpoche states something true but of a sensitive nature to many, you lose the admiration and you start objecting Rinpoche. Of course, you have the rights to state your opinion but here I am finding you more of a defendant to the western hypocrisy that Rinpoche has clearly elucidated and which exist so pertinently and I am saying this as someone who lives in a so called ‘first world country’ as my lecturer says lol. Nonetheless, I think, as Khyentse Rinpcohe always says that our language is too vague and limited, I think it is because of that you are not able to tune and comprehend with what Khyentse Rinpoche is trying to convince here, but as a samsaric being, we have no other options to communicate other than using language 🙏
Mudra Chorésophe Adele Zangmo oulala , such mean way of speaking ..
Marko Gospodjinački Adele Zangmo It looks as you’re trying to balance the view.
Sometimes the cause to move in a different direction is pointing out the imbalance itself.
Sometimes the cause to move in a different direction is pointing out the imbalance itself.
Mudra Chorésophe Adele Zangmo or maybe .. let me tell you my opinion by other language and see there is nothing against anybody .. I hope all beings and specially if they feel
Bouddhiste to be kind to each other . https://www.facebook.com/1303057894/posts/10217994431234696/
ManageBouddhiste to be kind to each other . https://www.facebook.com/1303057894/posts/10217994431234696/
Mudra Chorésophe is at Planeta Terra.
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GYPSY DUENDE Gypsy Duende est l'art de célébrer la vie et de transformer la souffrance , je suis arrivée chez une amie et , seule, j'ai mis la...
See MoreGYPSY DUENDE Gypsy Duende est l'art de célébrer la vie et de transformer la souffrance , je suis arrivée chez une amie et , seule, j'ai mis la...
Marko Gospodjinački Thanks Mudra Chorésophe for pointing out our obsessive need to comment and judge! 😃 (and here I go as well 😂)
Marko Gospodjinački Adele Zangmo Are you then bothered with the use of the relative therms? It’s what we have and for the sake of simplicity we need to use them. But, exactly because they’re often inaccurate, we need to have a broad mind and patience.
Marko Gospodjinački Adele Zangmo It depends who one is talking to.
Phunso Ten Adele Zangmo its either you haven't read my comment completely or you are resisting to understand. Let me go straight to the point here, nowhere in the letter has Khyentse Rinpoche stated that the West as a whole subscribes to such views of hypocrisy. We all know that there are good and the bad in all sides, be it east or the west and I am glad that you are also against such views. But on this particular occasion, it is true what Rinpoche is trying to articulate.
Phunso Ten Adele Zangmo It is not that Khyentse Rinpoche has spoken only about western flaws, if you have followed him for a while, you should have known by now that he has indeed exposed numerous hidden faults of Tibetan, Bhutanese and other eastern views as well and we are immensely grateful to him for pointing out our mistakes, otherwise we would never be able to align ourself with the truth. And here, Khyentse Rinpoche is just doing that but you have failed to be receptive to his words.
Marko Gospodjinački Adele Zangmo My comment that it depends who one is talking to was answering your comment with ‘good guy’ etc., not the second one. After all, talking to each according to their capacities was Lord Buddha’s skillful approach. So, your strong negation missed the target.
But as I see you are learned and like to impose as the others aren’t I’m leaving this seemingly useless discussion. All the best to you 🙂
But as I see you are learned and like to impose as the others aren’t I’m leaving this seemingly useless discussion. All the best to you 🙂
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Nima Tsering Rinpoche , I have tried my best to make out the contents , but I could not due lack of wisdom . But little bit I could understood have brought tears to my eyes out of respect and astonishment. Rinpoche , you are treasure of wisdom and I am confident that you can prophesy. I visually prostrate to your feet for blessing. Typically , I always prostrate to you every morning. But this letter made me happier than never before and wish you were president of America or China so that situation of this world would be different .Rinpoche you are really incredible. My apology to you for if I have exceed anything out of emotion. with very great obesiance and aspiration for your longevity. Nima Tsering
Lynna Lestari If I were Aung San Suu Kyi, I would very thank you for your wisdom words. In difficult time when mind becomes too crowded, it’s important to hear from the wise one. Like a cold water, your words give strength and clarity of the mind. I wish Buddhist teachers will also stand up to direct speak when necessary, to clear our wrong view and confused mind. Thank you Rinpoche. You realize profound perfection of wisdom, the mind without obscuration and fear.🙏🙏🙏
Frank Sijbenga A sense of identity is toxic, always. Especially if that sense of identity feeds into the arrogance of thinking that you, uniquely, are objective and unbiased. That you uniquely see things as they really are. Western modernism (if I my slightly amend your un-adjectivised use of "Western", Rinpoche) has this tendency to a suffocating degree. Maybe, in a similar way that the disasters with the Titanic and the Hindenburg showed the inherent flaws in our faith in technological progress, aspects of the current situation in much of the Western world will show the flaws of modernism: the underlying cynicism, arrogance and pettiness. Who knows? Let's enjoy each other's qualities and support each other in dealing with our failings, in stead of constantly obsessing over whether anybody is "in" or "out" with regards to some arbitrary line which we feel oh so very strongly must be objective, if only because we came up with it. Onwards, as humans, as sentient beings. We can't pretend anyone is in charge or that we're not in the same boat together, with all out stupefying and wondrous diversity.
Indila Dora Thank you so much Rinpoche for sharing this. The way you express makes me feel so close to you. I have nothing to say about the letter, just want to acknowledge the connection I feel with you and to offer my sincere apologies for any unclear message I might have sent to you in thought or writing here in your virtual space. Please live long. We need you.
Minya La In West, rich governments and universities wants Middle East and Saudi’ oil and students money, that’s why they removed Aung San Suu Kyi from those regions. Few years before i studied English language at Edinburgh University, Saudi Students very bossy and proud, they less respect teachers than other students, but for them arranged special mosques and rest places by University. It seems they are going to provide confucius practice place, for Chinese student and after few detaches can be for Indians also. This is only power of money. No other reason. I thought westerners learned, more wide wisdom and honest than others, everyone same haha. At moment No justice in this world.
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