Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Guru Rinpoche medicine Buddha(Tibetan: Ogyen Menlha)

His Holiness Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche

As Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava has prophesied that in this Dark Age of degeneration, 3/4 of the world will be emptied by black epidemics.

In the 7th century Guru Rinpoche also prophesied that many epidemics like SARS, Bird Flu etc will occur and right now we are affected by the H1N1 infection. We never know what kind of disease will come next. Hence to save from all these kind of disease and misery we should have devotion to Guru Padmasambhava or Ogyen Menlha (Guru Rinpoche Medicine Buddha) with confidence they can help and save us, He who is the protector to the helpless.

From: H. E. Tulku's Ngon-Dro Teaching Text Book

Fifth Uncommon Preliminary Practice
Receiving the blessings through the Guru Yoga Practice
The root text says,
In the space above in front of one, imagine in the midst of rainbow lights
Resides the root guru Throetreng Tsal (The One who wears a skull garland-Guru Rinpoche)
Encircled by an ocean of vidyadharas--Awarness Holders of the Three Lineages
Think that He is in nature the essence of all the objects of refuge
Recite the Seven-Line Prayer and later the Vajra Guru Mantra
The meaning of the mantra is as follows:
Before the existence of Guru
There is not even the name of Buddha
Even the Buddhas of the thousand Kalpas
Came into being by relying on a Guru
Even the Lord Buddha said,
When the final Five Hundredth cycle comes,
I will miraculously come in the form of Guru/Teachers
And will benefit you and others.
As mentioned above, both the sutra and tantra teachings, the Guru is shown in nature to be the Buddha.
Here, the Guru Yoga practice follows thus,
In the space in front of you, in the midst of rainbow light, visualize your Guru in the form of the Great Acharya Padmasambhava, who is the gathering of all the objects of refuge. The Lotus Born Vajra (Guru Rinpoche) is free from the cycle of birth, death and old age and has a white complexion with pinkish hue wearing brocade and the three robes of a monk. He has one face and two hands, the right hand holding a Vajra at the heart, the left holding a skull cup upon which rests the vase of immortality. He wears the lotus hat and in the cleft of his left hand, he holds a trident symbolizing his consort, the mother of bliss and emptiness. Guru Rinpoche resides surrounded by rainbow light, encircled by the gurus of the three lineages, the mind transmission lineage of the Buddhas, the symbolic lineage of the Vidyadharas and the hearing lineage of the yogis. Visualize these clearly and think that Guru Rinpoche is the condensed embodiment of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the three times and ten directions, the sole object of refuge.
With such conviction and visualization, recite the seven-line prayer of Guru Rinpoche and also the Vajra Guru Mantra as much as possible.
Some people wrongly think that the Seven Line Prayer is being composed after the birth of Guru Rinpoche. This is not the fact. Actually, all the Buddhas of the three times and the ten directions uttered the Seven Line Prayer unanimously. So, it is a Vajra word of all the enlightened beings and not just conventionally composed by some scholars.
Ogyen Menla is the Buddha of wisdom, longevity, Medicine and so on. Hence he is the combined essence of all the Buddhas. Therefore, whosoever with great conviction and faith recites this prayer will be freed from the miseries brought on by diseases, evil spirits in this life. If we skillfully supplicate Guru Rinpoche,  in future lives we will be born in the Glorious Lotus Light Copper Colored Mountain paradise (Tib; Zang-Dog Pal-Ri), the pure realm of Guru Rinpoche. Such are the manifold benefits of reciting this prayer.
Particularly, Guru Rinpoche has prophesied that in this degenerate era, so called 'modern times' -- when the thoughts and actions of beings go astray from the virtuous path of holy dharma -- diseases, famine, warfare, and strife will befall. The inner and outer elements of nature will become unbalanced, giving rise to diseases never known before, diseases like Ebola, AIDS, Hepatitis A, B & C, SARS, Bird Flu, H1N1 Flu, new kinds of Cancer, and others which will come in the future. Furthermore, he has predicted that one-fourth of the human populace on this earth will perish due to the occurrence of eighteen different kinds of infectious diseases. Similarly, he has also foreseen a time in the future when the world will be plagued by cattle diseases, epidemics, negative influences of planets, Nagas, Gods and spirits, and elemental spirits, failures of crops due to drought, frost bite and hailstorms, war and conflict, floods due to heavy rainfall, tsunamis, earthquakes, typhoon, volcanoes, forest fires, and fires that destroy villages, cities and towns.
Thus, whenever the destructive forces of the four elements occur, whosoever prays to Guru Rinpoche with unshakeable faith, Guru Rinpoche himself has promised that he or she will not be affected by these destructive forces of nature and will be saved.

With such conviction and visualization, recite the seven-line prayer of Guru Rinpoche and also the Vajra Guru Mantra as much as possible.

The Seven Line Prayer

In the northwest of the land of Uddiyana,
On a blooming lotus flower,
You have attained supreme, wondrous siddhi.
You are renowned as Padmakara,
Surrounded by your retinue of many dakinis.
We practice following your example.
Please approach and grant your blessings.

Essence Mantra is: 


The meaning is Lotus Born Vajra Guru who is the embodiment of the three enlightened bodies, may you bless me with the common and supreme spiritual attainments!

Lord Buddha prophesied the Great Acharya Padmasambhava when he was about to pass away.
The prophecy read thus:
After my passing away
When one hundred and twelve years have passed
In the island of Lake Danakosha
A person greater than me will come
In the Sutra called Extensive Wisdom, it says,
In order to criticize the eternalistic view, I passed away
In order to criticize the nihilistic view, I appear forty-three years (after the parinirvana of Lord Buddha)
In the island of Dana Kosha, upon a lotus flower
Having attained the wonderful spiritual attainments, I will become a King's son
The Inconceivable Sutra further says,
Due to the fortunate and marvelous activities
Of the Buddhas of the three times, their embodiment
(Appears) on the wonderful lotus flower
In the form of an awareness-holder
In the tantra called Penetration of Sound,
After my passing away
In the Western Land of Oddiyana
In the Dana Kosha Lake, on a lotus
(Will appear) a son without a father called Vajrahe
Who will hold the teachings of the sublime masters
In the Secret Tantra of Dakini, it says,
 In the middle of the kalpas
In the midst of the ten sacred places of Heruka
I will appear in the form of an awareness-holder
And will become the master holder of tantra teachings
In the Manjusrinamasamgiti, it is said,
The Glorious Buddha born out of a lotus
Holding the treasure of enlightened wisdom
Assuming different manifestations of king and so on
Great Buddha, holder and the King of Mantras
As shown in many sutras and tantras, Lord Buddha has prophesied that Guru Rinpoche is inseparable from him and accepted to be his own manifestation. Therefore, without wavering from the enlightened mind of Buddha Amitabha, the Vajra speech embodiment of all the Buddhas of the three times, Guru Rinpoche appeared from Amitabha's unceasing expressive power of compassion taking various miraculous emanations through which he benefited all sentient beings.
As shown in Pema Kathang, it is clear that, Guru Rinpoche, through the three ways of looking, from the HRI syllable at the heart of Dharmakaya Buddha Amitabha, emanated a five-pointed golden Vajra, which rested upon the lotus in the milky lake of Danakosha situated in the North Western part of Oddiyana, giving birth to Guru Rinpoche miraculously. Later he was invited as the son of King Indrabodhi. Gradually, in the eight charnel grounds and the twenty-four tantric sites, Guru Rinpoche displayed varied virtuous activities leading to the eight different names respective to each activity. In this world, he generally illuminated the general teachings of Lord Buddha and particularly, the Vajrayana teachings and also benefited many beings and brought happiness to many beings like the rays of sun, before finally departing to the South West Land of Cannibals. If Guru Rinpoche has not gone to that land of Rakshasas, there was a great danger of human beings being attacked and consumed by the cannibals. So, through Guru Rinpoche's tantric prowess, he subdued them by liberating their king and assuming as the King of the Rakshasas, named Thoetreng Tsal.
He is beyond the cycle of birth, death, and old age and he is more powerful in spiritual activities than the other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The reason behind this is that he is the combined essence or the collective embodiment of the power of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the three times and ten directions. Moreover, he is not born from a mother's womb and deliberately came to this world to tame the beings of this degenerate age. Hence his compassion and activities excel all the other Buddhas.
Guru Rinpoche himself has promised that whoever has faith in him; he will be next to that person for protection. Especially if one pray to Guru Rinpoche on the Tenth day of each Tibetan Month, he has gave a word that he will come personally on that day. In essence, the Buddhas of the three times are inseparable with Guru Rinpoche. This is being supported by this proclamation made by Guru Rinpoche,
 "The Great Vajradhara residing in the Densely Arrayed Realm of Akanistha,
 The Great Sage, Lord Buddha residing in Bodh Gaya,
Both of them are inseparably complete in me."
Again, he further says,
If you see me, you see all the Buddhas,
If you accomplish my state, you will accomplish the state of all Buddhas
I am the condensed essence of all the Buddhas.
Thus, other than Guru Rinpoche, there is no supreme object of refuge in this and next lives.

         (On pg 7) angrily smiling, twenty eight old youthful. That is not 28 it was 8+8=16              
         (On pg 8) Namgyal A-rura - There is three chief fruits of Tibetan medicines: In Tib; A-rura, Latin; Terminalia chebula & Eng; Chebula Myrobalan  /  
          (On pg 16) Ben Dur Ya - Lapis lazuli
My father is wisdom. My mother is selflessness.
My country is of the Dharma. I am sustained by clarity and confusion.
I have come here to destroy sufferings.
~ Life and liberation of PADMASAMBHAVA
Wrathful Guru Rinpoche

Be virtue prevailing from the illness combat


Monday, November 28, 2016

Shurangama Mantra - All 5 sections

GURU RINPOCHE WARNING LETTER ON KARMAorThe State of the World Today by Theodoor Richard

GURU RINPOCHE WARNING LETTER ON KARMAorThe State of the World TodaybyTheodoor Richard
Guru Rinpoche, or Padmasambhava, was a Buddhist Saint who lived at the end of thefirst milennium. He was born in India, but traveled to Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet, where hespent many years to introduce Tantric Buddhism to the people of Tibet. He did so uponthe invitation of the Dharma King Trisong Deutsen, who wanted to re-establishBuddhism as Tibet's national spiritual heirdom.Guru Rinpoche was a great Tantric master. By many, mostly the Tibetan Buddhistschools of the Nyingma and Kagyu, he is considered to personalize the secondemanation on this Earth of the Buddha of our time, Buddha Shakyamuni.Many masters in Buddhism of our modern days, consider the teachings of GuruRinpoche of the highest order and importance especially for the times that we live in,when the Dharma of the truth of our reality, is difficult to find and people live mostlywith bad circumstances, sickness and wars.From his kindness and compassionate heart, Guru Rinpoche decided to send a WarningLetter in his Earthly lifetime, to the people of Tibet to explain very clearly to them, thelaws of Karma, or the workings of cause and effect. This especially, with respect to theeffects of negative behaviour that people very commonly engaged in then, and still do.As the times of this world are seemingly getting harder and harder and good advice isgetting scarcer and scarcer, I feel it is very good to attempt a modest translation of thisletter and publish it here for you to read and contemplate.It reads as follows:
OM AH PADMASAMBHAVAThis is the World Prediction Warning Letter, Sent from the South West Land of Losar:By the power of the blessings of all the Buddhas,we can have this temporarily peaceful time today.But those who are supposed to be our spiritual leaders,travel all around and cheat sentient beings.They please people with flatteries, just to get their money and resources;while they are collecting personal possessions, they do not give Dharma asoffering.Monks are not reciting the Sutras, but indulging in singing, dancing andentertainment; while not doing accumulation of merit, nor practicing generosity,they seek money from all directions. Not wearing the monks' robes, they changeinto casual clothes. Nuns break their vows and do not uphold discipline, without shame; they lie andonly pretend to keep up the discipline. Not accumulating merit, they seek onlyouter beauty.Women talk divisively to break happy marriages.Rebelling against their parents, the daughters chase them out off their homes.They cause brothers to have fights and make mistakes without regrets.Close relatives violate the sexual morality and engage in unclean behaviour.While doing all non-virtuous things, people lead demons into their bodies;They borrow power from gods or demons to do gambling.Addicted to smoking, people invite the demons or gods into the smoke.Indulging in drinking alcohol, they force the guardian gods out off the door.Because of all this, demons are flourishing in Tibet in the Earth Tiger year;Everywhere, demonic forces, obstacles and disasters will appear.The teaching of the Dharma is reaching the time of decline and will whither;Buddha statues, Sutras and Dharma instruments will be sold in the marketplace.All this bad behaviour will create suffering and will cause many sicknesses to
arise. Precious treasures inherited from long ago are traded off and sold.The power of the blessings from the Buddha will gradually reduce, so that theoccurrence of floodings and disasters of the land can no longer be prevented.If people disturb the local deities by violently digging out water from hiddensources, the lands will be pestered by hailstorms and thunder storms will wreak disaster.If people will cut down forests, they will bring forth years of starvation.People will become hungry beggars, as they rob and steal others all around.If people surrender themselves to gambling, they will lose all their good luck.And by smoking into addiction, people will chase the Dharma Protectors away.By drinking too much alcohol, people will shorten their lifespan and will incur alot of suffering from illnesses.This I Padmasambhava, reveal to the sentient beings of the degeneration times,sothat in these present times of short and temporary joys, people can deeplyremember that Karma and the laws of cause and effect, are connected.Do not forget do do your daily spiritual practice and do all virtuous things.If ghosts and demons approach you with their harmful intent, pray with one mindto me, Padmasambhava and after the demons are born into Tiber in the Tiger year,remember to chant my 12 syllable mantra day and night.In the year of Iron Dragon, floodings and earthquakes will trouble human lives, asdemons will enter the waters.In the year of the Iron Snake, demons will enter the winds, causing thunderstorms,hail and frosts.All this will hurt sentient beings and cause difficulties, sufferings and obstacles.The Water Goat year will bring epidemics.People who drink and eat too much, will die from brain strokes;People who indulge in gambling, will die from stomach problems;People who tell lies and engage in divisive talk, will die from throat sickness;People who smoke too much, will die from lung sickness;

Buddha''s prophecies and Padmasambhava Prophecies and the coming of Maitreya Buddha

Buddhist Prophecies and the Coming of Maitreya
'In the evil age to come, living beings will decrease in good qualities and increase in utter ignorance, coveting gain and honors, developing their evil qualities, and being far removed from deliverance.' - Lotus Sutra 13
'Before the coming of the Maitreya, the holy religion will decline. How will it occur? After my decease, first will occur the five disapperances. And what are the five disappearances? The disappearance of attainments, the disappearance of the method, the disappearance of learning, the disappearance of symbols, the disappearance of the relics. These are the five disappearances that are to occur.' - Buddhism. Anagatavamsa
'I am not the first Buddha [ awakened one ] who has come upon the Earth, nor will I be the last. In due time another Buddha will rise in the world, a holy one, a supreme enlightened one, endowed with auspicious wisdom embracing the universe, an incomparable leader of men, a ruler of gods and mortals. He will reveal to you the same eternal truths, which I have taught you. He will establish his law [ Religion ], glorious in its origins, glorious at the climax and glorious at the goal in the spirit and the letter. He will proclaim a righteous life wholly perfect and pure, such as I now proclaim. His disciples will number many thousands, while mine number many hundreds. He will be known as Maitreya.' - Buddha Gautama
'The banner of Shambala shall encircle the central lands of the Blessed One. Those who accept him shall rejoice, and those who deny him shall tremble. The decriers shall be given over to justice and shall be forgotten. The warriors shall march under the banner of Maitreya.' - The prophecy of Shambala ( Buddhist, BEF 700 CE )
'Drought, famine, disease and war will sweep the world.. Nation will fight nations, and the larger will devour the smaller. ' - The prophecy of Shambala ( Buddhist, BEF 700 CE )
'People will no longer have any religion to which they can turn for solace or liberation: the doctrines of materialism will overwhelm their minds and drive them to struggle for their own selfish ends. The lust for power and wealth will prevail over teachings of compassion and truth' - The prophecy of Shambala ( Buddhist, BEF 700 CE )
'Thus have I heard: At one time the Buddha was staying near Kapilavatthu in the Banyan monastery on the bank of the river Rohani. Then the venerable Sariputta questioned the Lord about the future conquerer, "The Hero that shall follow you, The Buddha - of what sort will he be? I want to hear of him in full. Let the Visioned one describe him." When he heard the elder's speech the Lord spoke thus, "I will tell you, Sariputta; listen to my speech. In this auspicious eon Three leaders there have been: Kakusandha, Konagamana, and the leader Kassapa too. I am now the perfect Buddha; and there will be Maitreya too before this same auspicious eon runs to the end of its years." '- Anagatavamsa
'In those days, brethren, there will arise in the World and Exalted One named Metteya. He will be an Arahant, Fully Awakened, abounding in wisdom and goodness, happy, with knowledge of the worlds, unsurpassed as a guide to mortals willing to be led, a teacher of gods and men, an Exalted One, a Buddha, even as I am now. He, by himself , will thoroughly know and see, as it were face to face, this Universe, with its worlds of the spirits, its Brahmas and its Maras, and its world of recluses and brahmins, of princes and peoples, even as I now, by myself thoroughly know and see them. The Law, lovely in its origin, lovely in its progress, lovely in its consummation, will he proclaim, both in the spirit and in the letter; the higher life will he make known, in all its fulness and in all its purity, even as I do now. He will be accompanied by a congregation of some thousands of brethren, even as I am now accompanied by a congregation of some hundreds of brethren.' - Digha Nikaya iii.76, Cakkavatti-Sihanada Sutanta
'Listen attentively with one heart. A man whose spirit shines brightly, a man whose mind is completely unified, a man whose virtue excels everyone - such a man will truly appear in this world. When he preaches precious laws, all the people wil totally satisfied as if the thirsty drink sweet drops of rain from heaven. And each and everyone will attain the path of liberation from struggles.' - Sutra of the Great Accomplishment of the Maitreya
'There will come a time, brethren, when immoral courses of action will flourish excessively; there will be no word for moral among humans - far less any moral agent. Among such humans, homage and praise will be given to them who lack filial and religious piety, and show no respect to the head of the clan; just as today homage and praise are given to the filial minded, to the pious and to them who respect the heads of their clans.
Among such humans, there will be no such thoughts of reverence as are a bar to intermarriage with mother, or mother's sister, or teacher's wife, of father's sister-in-law. The world will fall into promiscuity, like goats and sheep, fowls and swine, dogs and jackals.
Among such humans, keen mutual enmity will become the rule, keen ill will, keen animosity, passionate thoughts even of killing, in a mother toward her child, in a child toward its mother, in a father toward his child and a child toward its father, in brother to brother, in brother to sister, in sister to brother. Just as a sportsman feels toward game that he sees, so will they feel.'
 - Digha Nikaya iii.71-72, Cakkavatti-Sihanada Suttanta
'[Before the coming of the Maitreya, the holy religion will decline.] How will it occur? After my decease, first will occur the five disappearances. And what are the five disappearances? The disappearance of the attainments, the disappearance of the method, the disappearance of learning, the disappearance of the symbols, the disappearance of the relics. These are the five disappearances that are to occur.
The attainments: Only for a thousand years from the time the Blessed One passes into Nirvana will the priests be able to acquire the analytical sciences. Then as time goes on my disciples will attain only to never-returning, to once returning, to conversion. As long as such exist the disappearance of the attainments will not yet have occurred. But with the death of the last disciple that has attained to conversion, the attainments will have disappeared. This, O Shariputta, is the disappearance of the attainments.
Disappearance of the method: My disciples being unable to realize the trances, the insights, the Paths and the Fruits, will keep only the four purities of conduct. Then as time goes on they will keep only the commandments forbidding the four deadly sins. As long as there are a hundred or a thousand priests who keep the commandments forbidding the four deadly sins, the disappearance of the method will not have occured. But when the last priest shall break the precepts, or shall die, the method will have disappeared. This, O Shariputta, is the disappearance of the method.
Disappearance of learning: As long as the text of the Three Baskets, which is the word of the Buddha, and as long as their commentaries are extant, the disappearance of the learning will not have occured. But as time goes on there will be irreligious kings of base extraction, and the courtiers and others in authority will be irreligious, and then the country people throughout the kingdom will be irreligious. On account of thier irreligion the god will not rain in due season, and the crops do not flourish, those who are wont to give the reliances to the congregation of the priests will be unable to do so any more. And the priests, not receiving the reliances, will not teach the novices, and as time goes on learning will disappear.. [And likewise with the disappearance of the symbols and the relics.]'
 - Anagatavamsa
'The signs of these times are new and fantastical modes of dressing - traditional styles forgotten.' - Padmasambhava
'The arrogant elevate profanity. The proletariat rules the kingdom; kings become paupers; the butchers and murderers become leaders of men; unscrupulous self seekers rise to high position.' - Padmasambhava
'Drunkards preach the path to Salvation.. Guileful imposters claim psychic powers.. False doctrines are devised from the Buddha's Word and the teachers' interpretations become self-vindications.. Ideas are established contrary to traditions.' - Padmasamhbhava
'Famine, frost and hail govern many unproductive years.. release[ing] diseases, horrible epidemics and plagues which spread like wildfire, striking men and cattle.' - Padmasambhava
'No rain falls in season, but out of season; the valleys are flooded.' - Padmasabhava
'Earthquakes bring sudden floods, while fire storms and tornadoes destroy temples, stupas and cities in an instant.' - Padmasambhava

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Tibetan Prophecy: One Decade Left

FRIDAY, JULY 31, 2015

Tibetan Prophecy: One Decade Left

The singular work entitled The Light That Makes Things Clear: A Prophecy of Things to Come, was revealed by the late 'Jam-byangs mKhyen-brtse Chos-kyi bLo-gros (1896-1959), widely known and celebrated as the "Master of Masters." It was first translated into English in 1988, by Karma gSungrab rGya-mtsho, with the admonition that it be freely reproduced. We have elected to publish this work as received, with only slight editorial revision, as the translator prepared his version with the assistance of the late Khyentse Rinpoche's learned students, and other qualified commentators. Our revisions cover matters of English expression; not content, which is unchanged, and basic meaning is left intact.

This work takes the form of a dialogue involving Shakyamuni Buddha, Ananda, Avalokitesvara, and Maitreya concerning events commencing 2026, and lasting through 2032.


Homage to the Three Jewels. The Victorious One (Shakyamuni Buddha) once related this teaching applicable to a time when the evil period would arise. It is like a path because all sentient beings are connected to it. 

When the Victorious One was sitting under the bodhi tree and thinking of all sentient beings of the world, he saw that at the end of five - hundred years, an evil age would begin. As to the deeds and thoughts of all these beings, those with great merit would come into contact with this teaching while those with little merit would not. The pain from conflicting emotions would be great indeed. 

Because it seemed that humans living on the surface of the earth would be as if cut to pieces with swords due to this, the venerable Ananda pleaded with the Victorious One:

"Victorious One, because you consider things with great compassion, spare humankind this torment." 

And the Victorious One replied to the venerable Ananda: "I have this to say about it. While I was residing in the great expanse of space, I was thinking of and gazing on the beings of the world. So, listen! There is a teaching useful during the time when the - dark age arises. If one writes of it, propagates it, and practices the "Great Responsiveness Meditation" and recitation, impurities and obscurations will be quickly purified. If one sincerely makes offerings to this spiritual text with flowers and incense, all sentient beings will benefit. By propagating this text and writing about it, one will obtain a good existence throughout all of one's lives."

Then, near the base of a tree, there was a great lake. On its shores sat the Greatly Responsive One (Avalokitesvara) (in the form) he appears with and for others. While considering all beings in his responsiveness and compassion, he began to shed copious tears. Then the Victorious One said:

"Listen carefully, oh Greatly Responsive One! It is not necessary to shed tears, so heed my words well. During the month of the Tiger in the new year, I intend to go to many places. At that time during the evil age all sentient beings will be freed from the ocean of existence's miseries. All evil conduct will be abandoned and I will lead sentient beings away from evil states (they have fallen into). At that time, this spiritual text will be well known. Because of this text and by making it known, all sickness will end. If written about by one person, it will benefit one city. If proclaimed by one city, it will benefit all states. The merit of humankind will be increased and secondary evil influences averted. One will be free of hellish torments, and it will be of benefit for both this life and the next one. This path is desirable for all sentient beings of the six classes. For example, it is like taking a boat across a river or the ocean. This is truly a most beneficial text until Maitreya arrives in the world of humans. By writing of this teaching and spreading it to other areas, in one lifetime, in one embodiment, one's merit will increase limitlessly. The bloody ocean of life as a (vicious) circle will dry up.

First, because of the ten impure practices, sentient beings will come under the power of conflicting emotions. Oh, pity on these sentient beings! After this, an area (valley) in the human realm will be (as if) filled with blood. Three, when it comes to reaping your own merits you will be powerless to do so. Four, human suffering will become very great. Five, people won't be able to perceive the "path." Six, cities will become filled with carnivorous animals. Seven, the residences of politicians will become deserted. Eight, individuals will be unable to cope with one another. Nine, hungry ghosts will be seen wandering about the cities.

Things will be like this as a result of ten impure practices. One will not compliment or praise another person; there will only be praise of oneself and putting down others. There will basically be four social groups: the politicians, the rich, common people, and the well-educated. If all of these peoples have confidence in this text and devotion toward it, a good time period will result. 

"But," the Victorious One said, "If people have an irrational trust in it, they will follow one another and fall straight into the most intolerable of hells. The earth and heavens will be filled with the cries of those who have not heard this teaching. A time of epidemics will result. But as soon as one hears this spiritual message and then writes it down and distributes it, these epidemics will be brought under control. All famine that might exist will be pacified and people will achieve a good existence.

Furthermore, there are seven miseries that humans might suffer. First there is the misery like that of a denizen in hell. Second, the misery of hunger and thirst for a hungry ghost. Third, the misery of disputes and warfare as an anti-god might experience. Fourth, the frustration resulting from having no leisure, and constant hunger and want. Fifth, the misery of having erroneous views. Sixth, the misery of having a long life like a god, and seventh, the misery in potential existence when in the after-death state. This text is of benefit for these (situations), for if one trusts in it, one will achieve success in all that one may strive for. All diseases will be destroyed, and there will be a return to good times. If one is to ask how these will come about [it is like this]:

Out of deep space, in the Fire-Male-Horse year (2026), a large meteor will strike down on the shores of a large body of water. This spiritual text will appear when the meteor cracks open. Having appeared, it is very important, when teaching this document, that there are no secret or hidden meanings. There is but one, no secondary meaning. It has been put together for the benefit of all sentient beings. May all the torments of existence end!

After 500 years will be a time when the teachings of the Spiritually Awakened One will be on the decline and monks' ethics and general conduct will become corrupted. When evil thoughts will occupy the mind, and food supplies will be contaminated. A time when the ten unwholesome deeds will be practiced and practitioners of advanced spiritual techniques will recite only evil mantras, and the five poisons will overwhelm one's perceptions. It will be a time when body and speech acts will be perverted; teaching of spiritual values will deteriorate. A time when feathers will grow on mountains (sic!), and a person will travel about in wooden and metal vehicles. All of one's actions will merely contribute to evil happenings, a time of fearfulness when evil will manifest most definitely. This text will reverse the contributory evil causes of this time. By so much as seeing it, writing of it, proclaiming it, there is no doubt that these evil times will end. It is sufficient to see what is true and what is not true. And to say what one knows to be the truth. In those people who say it is untrue, from the tops of their heads to the bottom of their feet, signs that they will be seized by sickness will appear."

After the Victorious One had spoken these words, Avalokitesvara, Maitreya, Ananda, gods, anti-gods, humans, and spirits who live on odors, all rejoiced and offered great praise of his words. The Victorious One touched his right hand, marked with certain signs and characteristics, to the earth, and (by this act) conquered the dark forces of spiritual death, along with their retinue. I experienced an unbelievable happiness and joy and decided to (always) engage myself with this discriminative appreciation that goes beyond itself, that tames (beings) by pacifying all sickness and evil. Then the Spiritually Awakened One, the Victorious One, after remaining in meditative enstasis, uttered this summary of his discourses, as part of the teachings (as a whole). Again, Ananda asked of theVictorious One:

"Victorious One, since you have delivered this teaching, turn around the obstacles and evil conditions within existence. In the Earth-Male-Monkey year (2028) an epidemic will occur and its impact will be very profound. If all sentient beings do not think that this is true and have no confidence in this letter and are not able to propagate it, then the dark evil forces of spiritual death will be satisfied. If there is confidence and they do publish this, then great well-being will arise. Great benefit will come from this spiritual text. That's it! Great! That's for sure! May you always teach it! May most excellent good and wholesomeness arise! May capabilities and merits always increase! This has been taught by all of the Spiritually Awakened Ones. You yourself are energetic to this truth, of benefit to beings. At the end of a future time, the qualities of this will be beyond imagination. For the person who is confident in this, all desires will be fulfilled. Evil conditions and obstacles will be diverted. The person who is confident in the teachings of a spiritually awakened person should make offerings of flowers and incense."

Then Maitreya looked back from the expanse of space. He saw blood coming from the eyes of humans so he went to the Victorious One and asked:

"Victorious One, I pray that you give a teaching of great sustaining power as to what is to come, gathering the meaning in (only) a few words."

The Victorious One replied: "Very well, Maitreya. Listen to what I say. I choose this for the benefit of all sentient beings as well as Brahma, Indra, and so on. I will convey my words and their meaning for the sake of beings. It is certainly very positive to be energetically devoted to this. In the autumn of the Fire-Female-Horse year (2026), and in the year of the Earth-Male-Monkey (2028), all of those evil persons who have no confidence in this teaching will die. But, if one writes of it and propagates it, then one will live for a long time, without sickness, and merit will become very great. All the harmful forces of this evil time will quickly gather in the cities. They will run and hide themselves so that humans will not be able to see where they are. At that time, the power of this spiritual text will scatter those noxious demons and they will run away. So it is important to spread this text to all areas. One should not entertain any doubts and think that it is not true. The Spiritually Awakened One, incomparable teacher of gods and men, is the tamer of beings, sensitive to the world, gone into well-being, head of the spiritually aware 'family.'

Those persons who do not have any confidence in this teaching will experience a great earthquake in the year of the Fire-Horse (2026). When the evil times come in the Fire-Female-Sheep year (2027), there will be death due to overcrowding. Some will die on the road; some from heart (disease). In the year of the Earth-Male-Monkey (2028), there will be terrible floods. In the summer, death will come from famine-induced epidemics. At that time, demons will be all over the place. If one writes of and propagates this text, there will be no harm from obstructions or demons.

In the Earth-Female-Bird year (2029), there will be no harm. Nonetheless, it will be very important to guard one's discipline and not eat red meat. In the Iron-Male-Dog year (2030), all cities and surrounding areas will be filled with carnivorous animals such as tigers, bears, wild dogs, wolves, and the like. At that time it will be very important to write of and propagate this text as a method for liberating humans. In the Iron-Female-Pig year (2031), all sentient beings will lose self- control, and will be like paper blown about in the wind, or as if carried off in a flood. Then, those who lack belief in this text will die."

Then the Victorious One said to the Greatly Responsive One: "During the year of the Mouse (2032-?), a sound with spiritual qualities will be heard coming out of the depths of space. And, like the light of the sun and moon, because of the strength in the sustaining power of the Spiritually Awakened One, if one writes of and propagates this text which illuminates all of the four directions and eight points in between, then it will be of benefit until Maitreya comes. If one writes of and propagates this, one will obtain merit like a mountain (in size). In the palace at Potala, a transformative form of the Spiritually Awakened One's communication dwells, surrounded by a retinue of those in whom pure and total mind has taken over. All sentient beings, above and below, in all the ten directions, are placed in well-being. This well-being is intensified for the sake of all sentient beings on account of the compassionate intentions of the Greatly Responsive One for all humans. By thinking that this is untrue, or if one entertains doubts, a period of plagues will become widespread in the middle of summer. People will die from dawn to dusk. At that time, calculating from when the evil period of time increases, all the forest (ecosystems) will collapse. All the rocky mountains will crumble at their bases. One will not be able to bear the leveling (process) of the earth's (mountains). For every ten persons, only one will be left. If one thinks that this is not so, it is the word of the Victorious One. Oh, pity sentient beings!

'Jam-byangs mKhyen-brtse Chos-kyi bLo-gros (1896-1959)

In the Fire-Female-Sheep year (2027), and in the Earth-Male-Monkey year (2028), the evil "five hundred time" will emerge. This disruption will come from every direction and the - eight subdivisions as well. People will be defiled by quarrels and restlessness. This spiritual text will liberate one from these omens of the evil time merely if one has confidence in it, sees, writes about it, propagates it. Agitation will thereby be pacified. If one does this, limitless good will come about. May beings be free of all terror and fear! This spiritual work which has one, no secondary meaning, has been composed for the benefit of all sentient beings. This spiritual text will spread fully to all realms and all humans will be happy. May virtuous sentient beings be free of misery! If one is not energetic in making the text an object of sustained attention for five or six months, then a period of sickness and diseases will come. Some will die from fever; some from chills; some from stomach ailments; some from madness; some from skin diseases. Some from heart disease, others from liver disease. There is a remedy for these harms. When impermanence (begins to show its mark) in the body, if men and women tie this [mantra], which will protect them, to their bodies, this protecting mantra will free them from all plagues and the harms of demons, water spirits, and gods. [It is:]

E-ma-ho pen-no pen-no so-ha!

It should be worn on the right side of the body for a man and on the left for a woman.

If one does this, one will be freed from these diseases and plagues, and will have a good life. If one writes about, propagates and is confident in it, there is no doubt that one will be liberated from the bloody ocean of life's miseries. Oh, pity for all humans, everywhere! May all torments that come with an untimely death be completely pacified. May there be good - times, as before! May one obtain limitless merit! For all those beings who have no confidence in the spiritual text, as before, there will be no chance for them to believe, and so diseases will spring up everywhere in the cities. Even if there is nutritious food, one will not, at that time, be able to eat it."

Then the Greatly Responsive One, the Noble Avalokitesvara, in order to produce compassion in the hearts of sentient beings, spoke this portion of the teaching:

"I pray, Victorious One, that you empower this text. I pray that you empower it with your consecration."

Again, the Victorious One said:

"If one performs religious service to this text with devotion and confidence, then the whole evil time will stop. It would be beneficial for all disease and illness. May all humans who dwell on the surface of the earth obtain limitless merit. When they are liberated from all the unhappiness, epidemics, sickness, and unrest which are signs of the evil age, may they come to experience good times as before. On account of the positive nature in making a wish such as this, the qualities of the benefit if a person should do this, especially during the month of the Rabbit and of the Horse, is beyond imagining. If people come to write of and propagate this, they will come to possess a long life, free of illness, and will find happiness and well- being. Even if they write of one part of this, all noxious influences of the evil age will be pacified in their own time. What has occurred before will increase once again in the year of the Dragon. It will show itself, but will be unable to expand out into the realms of the world because of the evil time's arising. After that, in the Fire-Male Horse year (2026), this text will increase. 

This work is a technique for diverting the evil time. If one is not able to spread (its ideas) to all countries, ripening crops will be destroyed by three frosts, or hail. Secondly, the specter of famine will arise. And when disease with no apparent etiology occurs, there will be much suffering and unhappiness. But, if one writes of and propagates this, there is no doubt that one will be liberated from all this misery. Until Lord Maitreya arrives in this world, this text is the refuge for sentient beings. If one is confident and devoted to it, all obstacles and obscurations will be cleansed, and one will be purified. May there be most excellent good! May the jewels of necessity and wishing come into being! May all countries have good fortune! May the whole earth be made pleasing! When unrest, sickness, famine in all countries is pacified, may there be a most excellent rain for the crops, and may one spontaneously obtain one's wishes! May the glorious wealth of nations increase widely. May the turning of the wheel of spiritual teachings be steadfast, always!"

After the Victorious One had spoken, all the gods, Avalokitesvara, Maitreya, Ananda, anti- gods, humans, and the world including those who live on scents, rejoiced and praised the speech very much.

This completes the Lamp That Makes Things Clear, the Prophecy of Things to Come.

[original Tibetan may be found on our Facebook page]
